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being "in the middle" on this board...

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posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:15 PM
well, i can't post in either the liberal or conservative threads because i'm neither. i go both ways when it comes to every issue... and with how reletive few responses those threads have gotten verses members here on ATS either most of you don't care or are in the same boat as i.

i'm anti-abortion
i'm anti-death penalty
i'm anti-racism
i'm pro-gay rights/marriage
i'm pro-women's/men's equality
i'm anti-afirmitive action/reparations
i'm neither for nor against the war with iraq
i'm anti-drugs
i'm pro-middle class tax cuts
i'm pro-upper class tax cuts
i'm pro-business, both big and small
i can't stand far right or far left people who all they do is try to change your view and give no hard evidence supporting what they say
i'm anti-welfare
i'm anti-universal healthcare
i'm pro-second ammendment
i'm pro-seperation of church and state, but anti-having religious icons (ie ten commandments) removed from public places
i'm pro-military buildup

"in the middle"... "on the fence"... "middle of the road"... that's what i am

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:24 PM
i'm pro-choice
i'm pro-death penalty
i'm anti-racism
i'm pro-gay rights/marriage
i'm pro-women's/men's equality
i'm anti-afirmitive action/reparations
i'm pro-drugs (with stipulations like those on alcohol)
i'm pro-middle class tax cuts
i'm pro-business, both big and small
i'm anti-welfare
i'm pro-universal healthcare
i'm pro-second ammendment
i'm pro-seperation of church and state and pro-having religious icons (ie ten commandments) removed from public places
i'm anti-military buildup
i'm pro-right to bear arms

So what the hell am I?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:24 PM
Ironicly, whenever I take those online political tests I usually score middle of the road. However, ask anyone I know or have debated here, and generally I'm labeled a far right conservative...Seems odd, anyone else run into this discrepancy?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Jonna

So what the hell am I?

You are what my Uncle would call wishy-washy for not following a single party 100%, and I would call you someone whose opinion should be respected, because they make their own mind up, rather then following what their "party" tells you to believe. Keep up the open minded search for knowlege!

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:26 PM
That's ok, cmdrkeenkid. You don't need to have a political affiliation for me to hate you

Seriously though. I am pretty a chaos oriented fellow myself. Too bad that isn't a political party...

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Thorfinn Skullsplitter]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by Jonna

So what the hell am I?

they make their own mind up, rather then following what their "party" tells you to believe

Well that's the thing. If I had to say that if I am any one thing it would have to be that I am 'Pro-make up your own damn mind and take responsibility for your actions'. They have a party for that?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
i'm anti-abortion (R)
i'm anti-death penalty
i'm anti-racism
i'm pro-gay rights/marriage
i'm pro-women's/men's equality
i'm anti-afirmitive action/reparations (R)
i'm neither for nor against the war with iraq
i'm anti-drugs (R)
i'm pro-middle class tax cuts(R)
i'm pro-upper class tax cuts(R)
i'm pro-business, both big and small(R)
i can't stand far right or far left people who all they do is try to change your view and give no hard evidence supporting what they say
i'm anti-welfare(R)
i'm anti-universal healthcare(R)
i'm pro-second ammendment(R)
i'm pro-seperation of church and state, but anti-having religious icons (ie ten commandments) removed from public places(R)
i'm pro-military buildup(R)

"in the middle"... "on the fence"... "middle of the road"... that's what i am

Looks to me like your're a republican. The ones with the "R" are republican views. Admit it. Just come out....

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Looks to me like your're a republican. The ones with the "R" are republican views. Admit it. Just come out....

LMAO!! Couldnt resist could ya.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:30 PM
I'm pro beer, small bikini's, Football, and Rock

I'm against socialists, terrorists (ie murderers that justify it in the name of Ala), women driving while on the cell phone swatting at their kids in the back seat, and Valentine's Day

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:31 PM
Hey JJ, I find myself in that category all the time.

I am labeled (by myself a lot of the times) as a conservative but I have serious liberal tendancies.

I think it's funny that with all the "registered" Dems a Reps we have in this country that almost none of them prescribe to over 75% of their parties platform (which they almost never stick to).

Shouldn't we have a HUGE percentage of independants?

I don't care who you are, if you vote for your "party" across the board you are a fool.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot

Originally posted by Colonel
Looks to me like your're a republican. The ones with the "R" are republican views. Admit it. Just come out....

LMAO!! Couldnt resist could ya.

I couldn't help it.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Looks to me like your're a republican. The ones with the "R" are republican views. Admit it. Just come out....

My assessment is Log Cabin Republican due to the pro-gay marriage view. I'm not saying you practice ALL their tenants Cmdrkeenkid
but you'd be comfortable with their views.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:04 PM
hmm I'm having the same problem:

i'm Pro-abortion
i'm Pro-death penalty
i'm anti-racism
i'm pro-gay rights/marriage
i'm pro-women's/men's equality
i'm anti-afirmitive action/reparations
i'm against the war with iraq
i'm Pro-drugs (only for medical use, not for teenagers!!)
i'm pro-middle class tax cuts
i'm againt-upper class tax cuts
i'm pro-business, both big and small
i'm Pro-welfare
i'm Pro-universal healthcare
i'm pro-seperation of church and state
i'm anti churches (not religion(s)!)
i'm pro-military buildup

I'm pro military build up, I am fascinated by military technology, but yet I'm against the war with Iraq.
I voted 'republican' /right wing, but I often regret I did.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:18 PM
Zion Mainframe you're a Southern Democrat.

I wouldn't be far off from you on anything, if anything.

Really your only caveat seems to be military build up. So if you found a Dem platform that was pro-military, seems you'd be pretty happy with everything else.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
hmm I'm having the same problem:

i'm Pro-abortion
i'm Pro-death penalty
i'm anti-racism
i'm pro-gay rights/marriage
i'm pro-women's/men's equality
i'm anti-afirmitive action/reparations
i'm against the war with iraq
i'm Pro-drugs (only for medical use, not for teenagers!!)
i'm pro-middle class tax cuts
i'm againt-upper class tax cuts
i'm pro-business, both big and small
i'm Pro-welfare
i'm Pro-universal healthcare
i'm pro-seperation of church and state
i'm anti churches (not religion(s)!)
i'm pro-military buildup

I'm pro military build up, I am fascinated by military technology, but yet I'm against the war with Iraq.
I voted 'republican' /right wing, but I often regret I did.

That's me to a tee....except on the military build up.....and voting for Republicans at the Federal level.....I've often voted Republican locally. If the definition of that can be taken to be pro military technology build up...that's cool.
The problem has been it happening absent the pitfalls of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).
Lord knows we didn't need lumbering land cannons in 2001...but the MIC had us appropriate for them.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Well that's the thing. If I had to say that if I am any one thing it would have to be that I am 'Pro-make up your own damn mind and take responsibility for your actions'. They have a party for that?

we should start that party...

colonel... i knew i would get a response out of you... and i know i lean slightly more right than to the left. not far though.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:48 PM
Anti-Death Penalty
Pro-Gay Rights/Marriage
Pro-Equality(gender and race)
Anti-Affirmative Action(but think that there should be another solution because the problem doesexist.)
Anti-Iraq War
Anti-Drug Dealers
Anti-Middle Class Tax Cuts
Anti-Upper Class Tax Cuts
Pro-Universal Healthcare
Pro-Seperation of Church and State, including removing symbols of religion from federal buildings
Pro-Space Program
Anti-Southern Baptist
Anti-Big Business
Pro-Small Business
Anti-The Problem
Pro-The Solution

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 05:50 PM
I almost agree with you cmdrkeenkid. The points I disagree with are in bold

i'm anti-abortion
i'm anti-death penalty
i'm anti-racism
i'm pro-gay rights/marriage
i'm pro-women's/men's equality
i'm anti-afirmitive action/reparations
i'm definitely against the war with iraq
I can't give an arse about drugs. I stick to drink.

i'm pro-middle class tax cuts
I couldn't give a # about the upper class
i'm pro small business - the greedy corporations can kiss my arse.

i can't stand far right or far left people who all they do is try to change your view and give no hard evidence supporting what they say
i'm pro-welfare for those who really need it.
i'm pro-universal healthcare (obviously, coming from the UK - plus they saved my life 4 years ago)

i'm pro-second ammendment
i'm pro-seperation of church and state, but anti-having religious icons (ie ten commandments) removed from public places
i'm against military buildup

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 06:07 PM
Well I'm in neither camp either (because they're both full os shit) but I still post in those threads. However, your post says to me "I'm "I don't f***ing care"". In many ways (and I don't this in too much offense, I don't have a problem with you and an excellent poster) I trust you less than both sides. At least they believe and feel strongly about their position.

P.S. Colonel your post was comedy gold. Although I'm sure you were quite serious it was like you were a doctor giving out his diagnostic, it hit the funny bone thank you.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by John Nada]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 08:23 PM
Im Pro Guns.
Pro Abortion
Pro Drugs
Pro Gambling
Pro Prostitution
Pro Military
Pro Death Penalty
Pro Worker
Pro Buisness
Pro Isolationist.

Anti Illegal Immigration
Anti Outsourcing.
Anti Religion in the Govornment.
Anti IRS
Anti govornment
Anti Seatbelt and helmet laws
Anti Israel
Anti Socialism
Anti Tax
Anti Education
Anti Racism

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