posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:44 PM
I just turned on CNN for the latest on the attack and what is striking me the most is they way they are playing up the fact that India is a military
ally of the US, a major trading partner of the US, a friend of Britain etc...
Despite the fact the attacks are not over and they have not identified any of the attackers (have they?) they have
already pointed the finger
at "outside help" in the form of an al-CIAda group from Pakistan.
Considering that Pakistan has been a powder keg for some time and that Western troops regularly violate their airspace and with frequent ground
incursions into their territory anyway...
I can't help but think that war against Pakistan is imminent with our troops in Afghanistan being first in line on the staging ground.
It seems the press is already setting it up and framing it that way.