posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:43 AM
I try to muster enough logic these days to justify how we are all living here on this earth, but I can find absolutely none.
As a species, we have absolutely no respect for the planet we live on, let alone for each other. We live in a BS world inundated by the media,
government, schools, religions that are perpetually living in failure and disharmony, but we keep lying to ourselves saying everything is ok.
From birth we are subjected to ways that are completely against what truly makes the majority of people happy and live in harmony with the earth. Is
this some kind of sick joke? Or is this insanity by design?
I saw a show on PBS and it showed 400 foot fishing trowels with miles and miles of net sterilizing the ocean floors, they call them fish factories.
According to the show they said 90% of the ocean’s fish are gone. WTF! This isn’t fishing, it’s clear cutting or gutting our ocean and it’s
Is it insanity or denial? I think it is a bit of both.
If I was a peaceful entity looking at earth and saw all of the pollution, crime, anger, hate, corrupt, etc.. we generate, I would say why do they do
this to their home. Material things, paying off debt, food, loved ones, cars, cutting the lawn, enjoying nature, hiring a plumber, holidays, a new
cell phone, taking a walk, judging others. What are our priorities and what really matters?
I think people know, but they are so caught up and conditioned by the society they are born into that their ego’s tell them it’s ok, you’re
doing fine, but on the other hand, their higher self screams a deafening cry from the depths of their souls saying something is really F’d up here.
The majority of the people know their way of life is not sustainable, against nature and mother earth. My belief is this is the reason for the great
changes going on around us now and massive soul searching going on these days. People are searching for balance and not finding it in the world in
which they have created.
We have almost no respect for ourselves; we smoke, drink, eat foods that we know are extremely unhealthy and put our physical bodies in constant
danger, even though we know better. Now with this being said how can we have respect for others, the world or anything else?
You see we are like vampires, emotional vampires, looking to anything else but ourselves for security, comfort, caring, love and when something goes
wrong we blame everyone and everything else but ourselves.
In order to find harmony and peace we need only to look within ourselves. I truly know that once each of us finds our inner strength, less the ego,
we will have a very peaceful society with no need for a government, laws, police, military, corruption and on and on. So how do we proceed? Stop
feeding our ego and others egos in control of powerful positions and start finding our own strength within. It's quite possible when we start
respecting, loving and caring for ourselves, it will extend to the rest of the world like a bright shining light.
Or do we just forget separated by insanity and continue on our destructive path?
[edit on 26-11-2008 by Realtruth]