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My first dream of Nibiru Caused a sleepless night

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:15 AM
As i slept last night my dreams became very real and life like. I felt as if i was living the moment and that does not happen often at all to me. I was outside and panic had hit my town. People Running and screaming "Its real.. Its real" while pointing to the horizon. I was grabbed by an old man who said "The planet doesn't orbit the sun like the others! It came from below an look there it shall rise." Like the sun and moon come over the horizon an orange red planet came up at night. "Only the people on the southern hemisphere knew it was coming but they never told us." he said.
A major earthquake started to happen and many people i knew were being crushed by falling things and swallowed up by holes in the ground. I woke up and drew as much as i could of what i had dreamed. Tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't so i tinkered on the computer to create what i saw and how to interpret it a little.

Here is what i believe the old man was trying to describe about the orbit. I have never really studied much of the theory about Nibiru. So if this is off from what you guys think or is common knowledge I apologize but this is not based on facts just my dream. However i did find a picture online showing an orbit similar to my dream so i used it for visual interpretation.Just imagine that the orbit is not parallel with the others but comes up from below unlike anything we know of thus far. the universe is three dimensional but it seems like the planets orbit like 2 dimensional on a table top. But not the planet in my dream.

orbit in our solar system

In the dream it was seen at night. meaning we were in between the sun and it. But since this is not proven to be true at all we don't know what side of the earth it could come up on "sun side or dark side" . So hypothetically if a planet orbited this way it would only be seen at day or night. and each day and night it would rise higher and higher.

My interpretation of how it may look here day or night if it were to happen.

I blame these ats threads even though i don't read much of anything on planetx somehow you guys entered my subconscious.
I think the vivid visions of those i know suffering and dieing in my dream was what kept me up the most. Also how awesome the site of a planet coming up over the horizon thrilled me. I wasn't able to capture that awesome beauty in my pictures but if it ever happened it would blow your mind.

I believe it is possible. but is it likely there are rouge orbiting planets? I don't know. What do you think?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:49 AM
Hey brother
Your not the only one.
Have had something similar going on.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:01 PM
i'm not even sure if comets stray from the table top pattern orbit. Does anyone know if we have looked or are looking above or below the solar system? I'don't mean at other stars but for things in our own area. perhaps the 2 planets in front of the sun were easily spotted as were the ones behind us. but we may be missing others if the orbits are not congruent with what we found. are there moons on any of these planets that spin lateral rather than horizontal ? If not maybe that is why we never opened our minds to the idea of possibility.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:00 PM


posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:32 PM
In my past studies of Bible Code, which have predicted future events to me more than once, one future code sounds something like this dream. It foretold of a massive celestial body causes Mars to be forced out of it's orbit onto a direct path to collide with Earth sometime in early 2012. It was prophesied that the impact from such an event would reduce the planet earth by 1/3rd. Given that I have witnessed the future predicting ability of God, I have always taken Bible Code as events that are written into our future, but some of them can be changed either by our actions or the grace of God. In other words, God's options. From what I understand, a planet can be forced out of it's orbit if a body large enough (a dead star?) passed near to it, the gravitational pull could change it's orbit and send it in a different direction. It is also possible that an impact could do this, but a lot of things would have to go right in such a scenario.

I hesitated to even post my thoughts while reading this dream of yours because of it's religion base. I still hesitate to share all the code has told me (even recently after not giving it a thought for over three years) because of it's implications on 2009. If I never have the courage to share that stuff, all I have to say is hold on to your hats because 2009 is going to be one of the worst years any of us has ever seen.

It doesn't matter I guess. This thread was started based on a dream, after all.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by mrRviewer

.....please read some books.

pluto's orbit goes both above and below the suns equator...

comets to aswell..

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:19 PM
I have had dreams of two moons.. one reddish in color...... very very scary..

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Kratos1220

I haven't heard much about the bible code lately but its a first for me about Mars.
That would definitely destroy both planets. Im not sure we collided in my dream I believe the Planet passed us causing earthquakes and such. for all i know it could have had something to do with me and my horrible bowling. Dreams are funny that way.
But it did make me wonder about how we look for other planets, asteroids, and comets. As i've heard about Pluto "dipping" under the suns equator that is hardly a sneaky planet. I mean a real rouge body of mass doing the opposite from what our minds perceive as normal. A sneaky bugger that you cant see unless your at the South Pole and its coming up towards us. Or reverse at the North Pole.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Kratos1220
I hesitated to even post my thoughts while reading this dream of yours because of it's religion base. I still hesitate to share all the code has told me (even recently after not giving it a thought for over three years) because of it's implications on 2009. If I never have the courage to share that stuff, all I have to say is hold on to your hats because 2009 is going to be one of the worst years any of us has ever seen.

OK first off I'm into this whole Nibiru thing and have been for a very strong year now, I know much about it and yet still assatain the possibility that it may have all ready come and passed back in 2003, however my instincts tel me otherwise. I have said since I started researching this ( I live in South of Western Australia) that if it is not visible by the end of May 2009 then I will just write it off as it was the massive object that flew between us and the sun in 2003, there is several videos on youtube and they originate from a Dr Matisf ahduf or something like that, he has a weird accent and I've only seen a very brief and tiny part of this guys work.

Hence I quote you becuase you say terrible things are to happen in 2009 and I'm don't have a religious bone in my body, but am also open minded and am interested in you making a thread about this 'code' so we can all have some other insight, or you could just send me a U2U, if you felt more comfortable. There is also Codex Alimentarius being brought in in late 2009 among many other things. But has the code taught you anything we can not already research and find out for ourselves?

Also as for the whole Nibiru coming to destroy you, well
Honestly stop looking at it like that, dreams are had about alsorts of weird things and many of them are not our own but rather through that of the HARRP technology among many any other things which you can find for yourself by researching. Nibiru is meant to be visible in 2009 and will get closer doing damage as it grips our pole onto it's as it passes by, but as much damage as it will do think of all the good that will come of it.

Sure billions may die. How many of them are already worse than dead, homeless, malnutrition, ethiopian type people, sweatshop workers, and many others. Now I'm not for killing these people at all, in fact I don't think killing solves anything. FULLSTOP. Now as GWB and NWO crews run off to their underground bases the first thing to happen when continents shift is the underground people get squashed or trapped from the plates moving about, sure the Earth surface may be rainingheavily with asteroids and surving may be a bit touch and go, but when all the bad is over those that are here can rebuild the Earth in a Venus Project type way. They need to make sure to record history incase anything like the NWO happens again and people need to see it happened in the past and therefore they will see they can't make the same mistake, I feel that the same sort of thing happened in Egyptian times and peple thought not recording it was the right thing as people would return to natural love, completly unaware that they were(still are) being controlled. Those that die will go back to the source/creator/god/oneness or whatever it is you feel is your belief. Again there is much information you can find for yourself on these topics. just search.

So as much as you can see nibiru may seem like it is going to end the world look at it like it is a spring cleaning! And remember thought creates so maybe focus all your thoughts on living in a positive Venus Project style world! whatever happens I hope you realise love is the answer, I know if a massive reptilian walked up to me and said I will kill you unless you do this, I would say and think (truth is in thought as well as speech), I love you with all I can and I can see how your lack of love or enthusiasm to make yourself the best you can be has made [cont]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:23 PM
You this way. I know Earth is a free will planet and I ask you to leave me and the ones I love alone. If you are going to kill me I want you to know you can’t as everything returns to source, the highest vibration.

Something like this shows you are loving and not afraid of even the darkest nature people, infact you love them, and what I said in the above about them making themselves the best they can be or lack of love in their lives is why you should honestly love them, like me. Until you can learn to love those you utmost hate, you are on a lower vibration, the reason they do what they do is I believe to better themselves and/or lack of love, not to mention yin yan where everything is balanced and all meets up in what I believe is the 7th density/dimension, therefore unless you want to go the dark side love will get you there much quicker and comes naturally to all.

So in all that I hope you realise
- thought creates and as much as you want to see Nibiru ‘smash us’ I just believe it to be a start of a new beginning
- love is the answer to any and all things
- dreaming about bad things may not be your own dreams
- treat others like they would want to be treated
- and always continue your search for the truth, until you have read all the books on ‘how to build a computer’ you will not know how to build a ‘computer’
Get me!?!

Just my 3 cents, lol

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by mrRviewer
reply to post by Kratos1220

I haven't heard much about the bible code lately but its a first for me about Mars.

nibiru suposedley collided with Tiamat, a planet between Mars and Jupiter - there is a 'hole' and that explains our colder waters this close to the sun, not to mention the asteroid belt and the moon, although I believe that was brought here by another body such as Nibiru as it is vastly different to everyhting we have here on Earth and supposedley it is hollow.

My theories I have evidence to support but lack of time and busy lifestyle doesn't give me time to post all links and vids and so on. The best way to find out about things is learn as much about everything as you can, then eventually you start seeing that it all somehow fits with something else and eventually you see a whole completed puzzle! Look into Pleiades, Bringers of the Dawn, Project Cameolt Interviews 2007 - there is one guy in particular who has like 3-4 hours of interviews and he talks about all sorts of stuff, all hte others are worth a watch as well imo. As far as looking inot planet x, there is a planet x video, very dated but still really good info, look into zacheria sithcin, sumeria - modern day iraq - another coincidence- see what I mean already about running into things that tie into other things already?

Basically just take everything with a yeah its possible, but don't go betting on anything, after all anything is possible....right?

Hope this helps ya out big fella!

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:55 PM
I have had a dream about nibiru several times since i was about 12.the dream is always the same.I am in my house with my children,which i obviously didnt have at 12..3 little boys..oddly enough i now have 3 sons.a radio announcer says "it is time everyone,it's coming" i see a crowd of people walking towards a hill so me and my kids follow.we stand there looking towards the sky and see in the very far distance something that looks kinda like the sun coming towards is daytime,then suddenly i hear a loud whoosh sound and day turns to night and everything freezes matrix style.i can see all the planets and they are HUGE but the one closest is ginormous and glowing all different colors.i know what you mean about that magick almost.everything is quiet and i'm overcome with feelings of wonderment and amazment and the colors man..just wow! all my troubles seem to lift away and i feel total peace.then everything unfreezes and people start freaking out,but i don't.i just grab my kids hands,say it's alright ,close my eyes and smile and hear and feel a strong gust of wind,then i see a tv screen with snow and the words "the end" I never knew what it meant until this year when i had a series of 3 dreams.the 1st was a young boy named david telling me "it is the 11th hr" and craziness all over,then a week later i had the planet dream again,followed the next week by what i believe to be a 2012 aftermath dream..we were in concentration camps,total govt take over,george orwell 1984 type stuff. i didnt know anything about any of this until i told a friend of mine about the dreams and he told me about 2012 and the different conspiracy theories about it and new world order and things of that nature.since then i have done alot of reading and SO much makes sense too many coincidences to blow off.i even saw the concentration camp that was in my dream in a freakin youtube video,down to the state it's in! when i saw it that did it for me,i was convinced.imagine dreaming about something as horrible as that in great detail knowing you've never seen it before in real life and then seeing it for real! i mean so many religions speak of "the destroyer" and then the mayans who were so intelligent just end the calendar on that date? then nasa finds something "massive" at the edge of our solar system, then go back later and say "oh uh,nevermind,we were wrong..our bad!" riight! i think of it like this..if the govt knows it's coming but also knows they cannot save us all they would most likely prepare for it quietly because they know telling us would cause chaos,that and it's the perfect opportunity to choose the elite..start the human race a new. there are stones in georgia with the inscription "we shall keep the human race under 500 million" hmm..i don't know,just a theory.either way,if you believe it's coming or not we should all make the most out of the next few years.i know there is nothing i can do to stop it anyway so i plan to just make as many memories as possible with my children.there is alot more detail to the dreams but i won't get into it here.anyone who is truly interested though and would like to discuss it can email me at [email protected]. i'm open to anyones thoughts as long as it comes with good and kind hearted intention..i seek an exchange of knowledge,not a mean tempered debate.peace and love

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 11:40 PM
There is something I thought of in relation to the angle of this possible small dwarf sun. There's been speculation that we were a part of a binary system, but
I think it may instead be linked to the length of time it takes for sol to travel around the galactic center, which means we could intercept a binary star, not of our system but from another. Now, we are at a strange angle in the galaxy, and there has been speculation that we are not from the Milky Way, but from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy instead, which may explain the angle. It also may explain the angle of the cosmic body only being seen from the south pole and emerging from under us. Most now believe we are Milky Way, but the evidence, and I can't find the links, but I think it was on bad physics or something forum, was very interesting. Basically we are iron enriched as is the Milky Way, and a supernova of an iron riched star was supposed to form our solar system. But, the thing is, there were two stars brought up in the forum, and the older one was a non iron star, which actually formed our galaxy, whereas the iron one enriched it.

Also, Bernard's Star is an anomaly compared to the milky way stars, and its on our side of the event (the front line of the action or cannilization) which is relatively near us.

So, while I really am not a nibiru believer, I think if something does come from that angle, its being normal in its orbit. Our solar system is at the unusual angle.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by mystiq

I have also come upon the same info. Here is the link from a while back.

It talks about how it is affecting global warming etc... Also that the Sag galaxy is being torn apart by the Milky Way. Below is quoted from article.

"This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way," Majewski said. "Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."

The study's map of M giants depicts 2 billion years of Sagittarius stripping by the Milky Way, and suggests that Sagittarius has reached a critical phase in what had been a slow dance of death.

"After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, Sagittarius has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer," said 2MASS Science Team member and study co-author Martin Weinberg of the University of Massachusetts. "We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system."

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:44 AM
I had a similar dream, one dream I was driving down the highway near where I live, and in the distance was a huge brown planet covered in craters. Another dream, I was looking out past by backyard, and there was red planet, it had huge fissures on it and was glowing. Another dream, I was in an urban area, and the sun turned an almost black colour, and the sky went dark. In terms of martial law etc, I once had a dream of some "event" and my mobile phone had a video of the president of the US delivering some special message, then of my mother and I meeting some of our friends trying to "escape" something, I remember blacking out while trying to run from something.
edit on 6-2-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: mrRviewer
As i slept last night my dreams became very real and life like. I felt as if i was living the moment and that does not happen often at all to me. I was outside and panic had hit my town. People Running and screaming "Its real.. Its real" while pointing to the horizon. I was grabbed by an old man who said "The planet doesn't orbit the sun like the others! It came from below an look there it shall rise." Like the sun and moon come over the horizon an orange red planet came up at night. "Only the people on the southern hemisphere knew it was coming but they never told us." he said.
A major earthquake started to happen and many people i knew were being crushed by falling things and swallowed up by holes in the ground. I woke up and drew as much as i could of what i had dreamed. Tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't so i tinkered on the computer to create what i saw and how to interpret it a little.

Here is what i believe the old man was trying to describe about the orbit. I have never really studied much of the theory about Nibiru. So if this is off from what you guys think or is common knowledge I apologize but this is not based on facts just my dream. However i did find a picture online showing an orbit similar to my dream so i used it for visual interpretation.Just imagine that the orbit is not parallel with the others but comes up from below unlike anything we know of thus far. the universe is three dimensional but it seems like the planets orbit like 2 dimensional on a table top. But not the planet in my dream.

orbit in our solar system

In the dream it was seen at night. meaning we were in between the sun and it. But since this is not proven to be true at all we don't know what side of the earth it could come up on "sun side or dark side" . So hypothetically if a planet orbited this way it would only be seen at day or night. and each day and night it would rise higher and higher.

My interpretation of how it may look here day or night if it were to happen.

I blame these ats threads even though i don't read much of anything on planetx somehow you guys entered my subconscious.
I think the vivid visions of those i know suffering and dieing in my dream was what kept me up the most. Also how awesome the site of a planet coming up over the horizon thrilled me. I wasn't able to capture that awesome beauty in my pictures but if it ever happened it would blow your mind.

I believe it is possible. but is it likely there are rouge orbiting planets? I don't know. What do you think?

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Tarlara11

Hi, thanks for this post! im weirdly pleased to see people having similar dreams to me!.... i had my second 'big dream last night!'

I too have seen a red gas ball pass in my dreams, i saw that something passed us but like your dream i was going to different time line's so it was more like 4 different clear visions.

Last month i saw what looked like a smooth grey and red Dyson sphere land slowly in the sea, causing numerous tidal waves 2 small and one big one..behind it were small meteors, I managed to survive this.(there is too much to explain it all)

Last night i saw a huge red and black gas cloud planet in the sky it was too big to see the whole shape,it was more like a gigantic sunset that filled the sky as far as the eye could see with lightening coming from it to earth,..i then 'jumped' to being in a field, there was people in space suits trying to gather people without suits together,there was panick, the air was thick and red, the floor was rumbling really loud i could see meteors showering the earth in the distance, something told me god was coming and that i was going to be ok, at that point the sky ripped open above my head the red dust and air was pulled up with a huge roaring sound, everyone started to rise fast to the opening, i was so scared but a voice kept telling me its going to be ok any minute now you will be with jesus. I grabbed a lady next to me as i searched frantically for my daughter who i could sense was just in front of me, I told the lady that its not going to hurt and to just wait a few more seconds. I couldnt breath anymore my body started to relax i felt like i was about to get to god and i woke up.

I might draw some pictures to share, it was so vivid! It was terrifying and unexplainably massive but a strong sense of god comforted my soul, so i was not afraid and was assured of his word.!

(if your in america and you saw it pass the bottom of earth it would be roughly accurate as im in th uk and it passed above me in my vision)
Ive had visions,prophetic dreams,& been able to remote view, since i was about 18. I thought i was going mad at first,but eventually after some research i accepted that im not alone and it is normal. i have had some wild visions lol the government know whats to come, they are already looking for other planets for us to live on and have been for years!
ive only ever heard god in my dream once before last night, when i was 18 (only now just linking the connection lol) but he told me that i am here for a reason, I am going to go through hard times but i will survive, i need to be strong, as i am going to do a lot of good things for people, when i looked down into my hands the light of god that was before me, shone from them, then i woke up.before this dream i was an atheist and had no sense of god at all,but my life spiritually began from that point on and these dreams came as part of the parcel.
I think many others are experiencing these dreams because our subconscious is picking up on vibrations and change thst is happening around us and to prepare us.

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: mrRviewer

Hadnt realised this post wss so old..hope you dont mind the comments anyway

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