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Some Serious Question's about Groom Lake ?

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:03 AM
Hi there, Im new to the forum....

Over the last few years I have been looking into military Establishments....Not because I want to break in, But Im am a weapons specialist (IT and electrical Security), Ex-Military Myself. (PLEASE READ AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST)

Here are a few points and questions you have to ask yourself....

1. Are the map's on google, and google earth, real prints of The A51 complex ?

2. Would the CIA and Government Security really let picture's (some you have on this site) of hangers and Avation, if its so hush ! ?

3. The CIA govern the Internet a lot more than people think, they employ hundereds of people just to look over websites like this one, to make sure that no information is given away, that should not be made public.

4. A51 is not unbreakable, nothing is. theres always new technology invented to protect and attack defenses, but there is more landmines on the outside of that facility (40 Meters past the Warning Signs) than there is in iraq and afghanistan

5. It has never been looked into any great detail but A51 Might not even exist, who says its not just one big diverstion away from real facilities ?....

**If anyone has any questions about defense and tactics around facilities like this I would be happy to answer some questions, but Im only here for a few days

Good Luck to all these People who plan on breaking in....Idiots


[edit on 26-11-2008 by acount12]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Here are answers to your questions:

1. Yes, they are genuine images of the Groom Lake facility. The data can be confirmed by comparing the Google images to other ground-based, airborne, and commercial satellite images, as well as official maps of the base.

2. Apparently they would since such images are readily available.

3. Government personnel do look at web sites, including this one. I have had that confirmed when such people indicated they were not entirely happy with some of my posts. Since all my information is available in the public domain, there is no security violation.

4. There are no landmines inside the Area 51 border. Such defenses can't be used because they would kill the cattle that wander in and out from a nearby ranch.

5. It has been proven that the Groom Lake facility is a thriving test facility that has been expanding over the past two decades. Numerous people, many of whom post here, have made independent observations and/or know people who work there.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by acount12

Good Luck to all these People who plan on breaking in....Idiots


[edit on 26-11-2008 by acount12]

Of course I have no proof, but I believe the threads about breaking in are just light discussion meant in a speculative and fanciful nature. All in fun.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by acount12

The CIA can only ask that information not be put on the internet. They can't block websites. If they could block information, wikileaks would be right up there.

The CIA surfs the net through
I've found their OAIS (former domain name) on my web log.

When the spooks don't want something published, they get up close and personal to make a point. Not that it stops me....

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