posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Little story you might like to hear!
Back in the day, when all cars had tape decks I was in the back seat of a car with a couple of mates driving along lanes in the summer, any ways the
guy that was driving rummages around in the glove box, pulls out one of his favourite tapes, slams it in and cranks it up... He loved that cheesy pop
rave like bonkers and all that stuff.
Any ways my other mate in the passenger seat pulls it out of the deck as the driver tries to grab it back (remember driving at speed down lane) it
gets dropped into the passenger side foot well, the passenger picks up a black tape (it was a bust one that had been hanging around, no label - so it
looked a lot like the rave tape)...
He shouts Ha Ha!! tosses it out of the open window, the car mounts a bank and drives right over the corner, (nearly had a proper accident!) the
driver back hands the passenger - busts his nose and he's pouring blood! Never seen someone pissing them selves laughing so hard he's atomising
blood all over the interior of the car!!!
- my mate (the driver) is still fuming about to reverse to get his precious tape! - the
passenger can't get any words out - blood all over his hands and shirt - I pipe up from the back seat - 'he's pulling your leg dude - it was the
bust tape'... Now he's bothered about the blood in the car - the passenger is still unable to speak for laughing.