typically an adult will have few memories of when he was four, but some impressions last a lifetime......
As is the same with me, I tried to suck a piece of candy out of it's wrapper with my mouth.(huh kids, whatta you gonna do) It got stuck in my throat
and i remember the complete panic that than took place.....
My mother was crying for my dad to do something while he was holding me up-side-down and banging me against the refrigerator door....
As this did not seem to help any my dad put me back upright and started banging on my back like he was gonna smash right through it.
All the while this was happening i remember being more of an observer of what was going on in that room Seconds seemed look like an eternity but the
funny thing is i was the only one not in panic.(still don't know why..)
Give or take 3 minutes later my dad was shouting out loud he couldn't get it out and "we're loosing him". I know my body by now had absolutly no
muscle tension anymore in it and to my dad it must have seem like he was holding a ragdoll.
Now i have always been good at holding my breath and as to today (smoking a pack of cigarettes a day) i can still easely stay under water for 2,5
minutes but being four years old my lungs were half the size they are today.
I was still well aware of my surroundings and the fact my bodie was shutting down. i can still remember how i could not control the fact that my eyes
were shutting by itself while i know they were open....it was like i was looking in a tunnel that semed to get darker and darker( no there was no
light...just darkness)
At this point i felt this amazing feeling of peace and serenity. I was not worried about my phisical condition. The voices in the background were
blurring out more and more and i didn't mind. It really was the most peacefull moment i had ever exerienced.
What happend next i only know because i was told or because i can semi-remember but my mom managed to jam her finger down my throat and while ripping
the inside of my throat open with her fingernails she got the piece of candy out. CPR and all and a few hours laters a woke in the hospital not
remembering how i got there.....
Now ,27 years later , i can still close my eyes at any moment and recall the exeact same feeling i got when choking on that piece of candy. But
here's the weird part and here's were my question comes in :
I have absolutly no problem with death. Not for myself but also not for my social enviroment. (Don't get me wrong, i'm not running around in the
weekend carrying a chainsaw) I could never kill anything that lives ,even ants, spiders and other little bugs can count on me for not harming them but
when somebody in my surrounding dies of natural causes or accident i have never cried or felt sad.
It's almost as if i don't care somebody died. I tried to force myself to care but i do not have a problem with people dying. Nore do i have a
problem with dying myself. I hear people being affraid to die but i cannot understand this emotion. It's also not if i have nothing to live for
,don't get me wrong, i love life and i love people, i love everything in an extreme way. I can sometimes stand amazed looking at the sky or some
other every day think and look at it for 30 minutes thinking how beautifull the simple things are in life and nature.
Does anybody have the same experience...do you also seem to appreciate small and semingly insignificant every day thinks but are not concerned with
I'd love to hear about it....
Maybe it's just time to see a shrink and get some clossure.....
Edit : oh boy this thread is just infested with typos...please do not pay any regard to 'm because i'm not gonna correct it all.......
[edit on 25/11/2008 by operation mindcrime]