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The all american warlord

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:47 PM
I was caught up as to where to post this I did a search on ats and found nothing so im posting it here. If its already been posted somewhere else feel free to delete the thread.

First and formost this is not your normal thread if you are under the age of 18 or get offended by graphic writing I would suggest you do not read this thread also this story link is extensive long and detailed about a man by the name of timmy.

I read it and I will wait until more people read it in detail before I start to comment I dont know if it will make front page news anywhere accept the link but this is a story about a american boy who turned terrorist very similar to the american talaban only this boy is a real warlord or was.

Chucky the Cruel


[edit on 24-11-2008 by falcon]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:47 PM
Interesting...turns out he was also a musician (rapper) ....

here is the only really good article i found on him ... idk the and the rolling stone are pretty big names in the news industry

Arti cle 1

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 09:08 AM
sentenced to 97 years -
I wonder how many Bush and Cheney will get?
hmm, maybe they should be tried at the Hague.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 09:19 AM

Johnny Dwyer charts his journey from ordinary jock to the most feared man in Liberia

Not to stero type anyone here.. But almost every Jock I have ever known was a bully! And this guy starts off as a ordinary jock. Why does that not shock me?

There was little to keep Chucky from extracting the information any way he wanted. After all, he was a US citizen. His father was president of the country. No one could touch him. 'Chucky was very much like Hussein's sons,' says David Crane, the founding chief prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. 'He was completely above the law, protected by his father and his henchmen.'

A simple Bully with power. And they allowed this to happen.. Well becasue he was a bully with a powerful daddy.

How many other little rich kids got away with 100% more than we did in school!! I always remember in highschool. The Jocks and preps who came from rich famlies always where the ones with guns, and making trouble.
Yet us "outcasts" would smoke in the bathroom, and that was such a sin!!
I was thrown out of highschool for smoking.. While these little rich kids did what ever they pleased..
Just another example of how screwed our system really is..
If you got money and power.. You can become a demon...

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