posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:10 PM
i see a a lot coming on this earth unless, these things are quickly changed or realized & i do look to the rich & powerful to making these changes to
happen before it's too late. it can & will be done without them however, but it's a must to have them to be made aware.
this is just a list of changes or realizations that i think people should be made aware of & especially those who have the power to make these changes
before it's too late.
these are just ten reasons i know & feel it is impossible for others to have any real direct impact or even be a real threat to anyone's life but
their own.
1.reason one is that controlling people cannot be done for the simple fact that people don't want it.
2.just because the means is there does not give someone the right to attempt to control another s life because they surely would not want that same
nightmare brought upon themselves which surely would eventually happen to that person in the end.
3.people are going to do what they want whether or not it's right or it's wrong even though penalties for an action are necessary they really
aren't a form of control but act more or less as a deterrent.
4.people never really have full control over their own lives so surely they couldn't over someone else s.
5.attempting to control people through propaganda does not work because people will just turn their noses the other way & will fight back if used
6.gaining control through means of money will surely not work since the people who have it are usually the culprits attempting to use these means.(see
issue four)
7.having a controlling attitude is such a self damning act since there isn't enough things in the infinite universe to control that would make them
8.since there are people trying to control things other than their own bank account the people who have little or nothing are not going to be enthused
since they look to these people as being very wealthy, happy & having everything & instead some of these powerful people have resorted to stabbing
their own in the back.& for what purpose?
9.having control over anything except ones own life is never really an issue until someone is provoking the issue on someone else without justifiable
10.people are under control by a far more supreme being & i believe that being to be none other than Jesus Christ & any control people think they have
will quickly be taken & stamped out by whatever means necessary.
so why are people so bent on these control issues? i do not understand but a lot of us as Christians know that these people will surely fail
miserably.i think that it's up to us as people to come to ask why. i mean we as people can admit that we are not an in all in control species but
rather one that relies heavily on our God almighty. i think we as people should go back to the old ways of life. let the rich be rich poor be poor &
the poor looking up to the rich as happy helpful people who have everything anyone could want & more. I think we should let God bless us all just how
we are.
[edit on 23-11-2008 by spiffymon]