I humbly and respectfully beg to differ JOHNSmith.
Clinton did what, exactly?
Are you saying that because they held
daily briefings that this constitutes that
he "did something"?
Let's start with Mr. Bin Laden himself....here is what National Security Advisor for the Clinton Administration said in 1996:
....the administration was trying to get bin Laden with everything we had.
Why America Slept
If the prior Clinton Administration was doing "everything" they "had" to counter terrorism, knowing that such an event as 9/11 could occur
(Operation Bojinka), why did they turn the opportunity to remove or capture Bin Laden 4 times? He could have literally pulled the trigger on Bin Laden
and didn't, time and time again.
Why did they simply ignore the information that was revealed by Blind Sheikh Omar Rahman (1993 WTC incident)?
The prior adminstration literally cut the nuts off (tied the hands) of the CIA and FBI, then made sure that they could not properly utilize
intelligence gained or learned between the two.
Why the FBI Didn't Stop 9/11
Their (Clinton-Gore) 1996 Airline and Safety Commisssion was a full-blown fluke!
National security for the US was steadily, systematically, and repeated undermined, placing the US at a higher risk of such inevitable type attacks
(Project Bojinka).
List can go on.....
but my main rebuttal is that in truth,
neither took responsible precautions.
For whatever 'warrented' reasons, the US was 'unworried' about an event like this taking place on US soil. Why? Cause it was because the US
maintained or had maintained the position that the US was "untouchable" (was not recognized as a possible, viable threat) by such
occurances....obviously, this type thinking proved wrong! Even with the prior learned intelligence that had been obtained in the mid-90's, no action
was taken seriosuly to prevent such an occurance. Bottom line, the US was caught with its pants down and no jar of vaseline to be had anywhere, at
Despite all this,
no one really saw or wanted to see such an event like 9/11 coming, though all indications were that an event like this was
very doable and plausible.
As such, I do not and have not ever thought that 9/11 was "preventable", but in some parts, it could have been in some degree and severity.
IMHO, "hindsight is 20/20" and the US and both main political parties, along with many American's and those who have made this matter their
interest, are caught up in looking for "easy" answers and the typical "scapegoat(s)"....I am at fault of this myself.
What the US needs to be concentrating on is looking into 'what', exactly, was the intellgence failure(s) and how to make sure that if such a thing
does occur again that it is prevented, thwarted, or minimalized.
The whole problem of this and Iraq, is not necessairly which party or administration did 'what', but why our intelligence at hand or gathered and
the intelligence apparatus, as a whole, failed.