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All Obama supporters can now get their victory plate!

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Chance321
But the thing you should be asking yourself is, what has obama done to deserve all this hero worship? Don't you find it the least bit alarming how people are acting like their under some kind of spell from a man that hasn't done one thing. As others have said, yes, he as much as I hate it is our president for the next four years, but if this is just a sample of how he's going to be treated we're going to be in serious trouble, if people are looking at him like he's a God now, what's it going to be like after four years?

reply to post by LittlePinky82

Hon do you know what history is? I thought you people liked capitalism. You only like it it seems when it works for you and it's when you like certain things. Sorry but that's not how it works. And you don't know every person who voted for Obama do you? Get over yourself. You're just like the people who are bashing him for # when he hasn't even been sworn into office yet. You're just a hypocrite.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by SuperSecretSquirrel
I predict in 4 years he will either be exalted as "The One" or "The Antichrist." Unfortunately, most people will fail to see that he is just the average politician that talks the talk but fails to walk the walk.

Wow you're Miss Cleo! Can you tell me how I will do on my finals?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by SuperSecretSquirrel

You lost...go cry

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by SuperSecretSquirrel
I don't care what other people spend their money on but the sheer amount of "Obamaphinila" is sickening. I can't go ANYWHERE where he is not on the cover of 4 magazines, on 10% or more of all T-shirts, on 25% of cars in the form of bumper stickers.

I think that its funny there are Ron Paul and McCain coins, but I won't buy them.

Obama supporters do though and I just cannot fathom why. Let the man accomplish something first BEFORE you idolize him for crying out loud!

Why are you still insisting on lumping all Obama supporters in the same group? There were plenty of McSame bots running around chanting the party lines too, but you seem to have missed that.

And I've seen tons of McCain/Palin bumper stickers, t-shirts, signs in yards, etc. all over the freakin' place around here. Very few Obama signs and such. Remember, almost half the popular vote went to McCain.

I voted for Obama, but I feel absolutely no desire to buy Obama memorabilia, drink Obama special almond flavored kool-aid, get on the Obama spaceship to Saturn, fly an Obama plane into the pentagon,or whatever it is we're being accused of now.

I'm curious as to how you know that all of us Obama supporters are buying this stuff, by the way? Just where did you come by your information?

I'm all for giving the guy a chance before passing judgement........... but, I'm pretty sure I've seen plenty of folks right here on ATS condemning him before he's even had a chance to start.

Funny, I don't see you criticizing them.

Now, where was I? Oh yes,

Ohhhhhhm. Obama is god, Obama is god, Obama is god, Obama is god.......

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:15 PM
You know not to knock Obama, but I agree to an extent that people have been mesmerized by this man. Something of a fever.

Now I do not live in the US so it is even more perplexing that I see this here as well. Just yesterday my sister and her husband came over for dinner. Just to give you a snapshot of my sister, she is not well informed even of our politics, I didn't ask but I would be surprised if she even knew who our Prime minister is. She has no clue what is happening in the world, nothing of the financial crisis or anything else. But....

She loves Obama, she thinks he is great. She said she would have voted for him. I asked her why, and she replied....

cause i like him, he seems cool and he speaks really well.

So I said, thats the reason you would vote for him? Yeah why?

She is not the only person I know who like this. Many if not all of the people I have spoken to who "love" Obama, about US politics have this same thing to say. And yet none can give any opinion on his policies or anything he has done to deserve their praise.

This is a truly fascinating exercise in human nature.

As for the plates/coins I have seen the Obama commercials a few times, however, I have never seen them for Bush or Mccain as posted in this thread.

And for those bringing up R. Reagan, at least he was a famous celebrity prior to taking office. And celebrities tend to draw fanatics. So I guess in this instance, Obama is an overnight sensation and Mccain was not wrong in comparing him to Britney and Paris.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by chickenshoes

Obviously you did not read my whole post

I also feel that I need to issue a disclaimer. Obama supporters on ATS are far more coherent and know the intricacies of the Obama plan in a MUCH higher ratio then the general public that I have spoken too. If you are coherent and can think for yourself and you voted for Obama, I respect that. My beef is with those that cannot answer political questions about him and answer, "I want change." when asked why they voted for him.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by SuperSecretSquirrel]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:36 PM
Ok Folks. Let's stick to the topic and stop the personal sniping, Please

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
The sad part is that Obama's loyal legions of followers will snap this stuff up and make shrines with it.

I even saw the media proclaim that the new age of Camelot had arrived, except now they were going to call it Obamalot.

I find this post kinda interesting in that, back in the day, I knew several people who actually did have shrines to JFK, with pictures, plates, coins, and the like. This is something that I, personally, haven't seen for any president since.

Kennedy also represented a change from the political norm to a lot of people, and possibly would have actually brought about some kind of change, however small, had he been able to complete his term in the White House.

I haven't seen so many people so optimistic about a new president since JFK was elected. I'm not saying Obama will be another JFK, but it's a nice change to see so much positive feeling coming from the general public. Only time will tell whether the faith in Obama was justified or not, but it should be an interesting period in US history, one way or another.

Personally, I didn't vote for Obama, or anyone else for that matter, as I have an extremely cynical view of politics in this country and actually believe that anyone who wants the job of President probably shouldn't have it, with very few exceptions.

But that's for another thread...

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

They are also selling Obama toilet paper.

I just ordered enough to last the next 4 years!

[edit on 23-11-2008 by LiquidMirage]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:24 PM
I don't believe anything produced after Obama's election is ever going to be worth any money. It is the merchandise during the campaign that will become worth money.

I personally bought every possible button off of the website plus some extras for collectibles. Checked it the day after election and 98% of all merchandise was pulled.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by LittlePinky82

Here you go littlepinky!!
Your very own Ronald Reagan commemorative items, just as you wished. Including the plate.

How about the official poker chip?

Or maybe the talking action figure is more your style?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Cio88
Obama's plan to save the world:

Sell as much crap with his face on it. I dont recall ever seeing any other presidents face on anything, other then a history page or in archive of some sort.

You're not looking hard enough. Probably on purpose.

George Bush Merch

Bill Clinton Merch

Gipper Merch

I also searched for Gerald Ford Merch and Jimmy Carter Merch, but couldn't find anything of substance. Here's a bit of a hint for you: You can sell things with the likeness of public figures on them and don't have to give them a dime. Welcome to America, you must have just gotten off the boat.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by LiquidMirage
reply to post by greeneyedleo

They are also selling Obama toilet paper.

I just ordered enough to last the next 4 years!

[edit on 23-11-2008 by LiquidMirage]

That's funny because the US Mint makes GW Bush toilet paper. You can get a sheet for four quarters, and it has a picture of George Washington on it.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
"..and if you order before midnight tonight, you'll get your very own commemorative matching set of dixie cups.
That's right.
We'll even throw in a four year supply of your favorite flavor of KoolAid

Order now!"

pardon me

that is all.

Can't say that this isn't unlike America, we put some of our most prominent presies on our currency, why can't we put Obama on a plate? I mean...most of us eat off of plates right?


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by SuperSecretSquirrel

Now you can own a piece of history! Celebrate the victorious election of our 44th President of the United States, America's first African American Commander, with the commemorative plate from the American Historic Society™. The Historic Victory Plate™ is a priceless work of art featuring the triumphant President-Elect surrounded by the American flag and spectacular fireworks celebration. This first collectors issue plate celebrates with the inscription "Change Has Come" scripted in 22K Gold text. The back displays the seal of the American Historic Society and documents the historic electoral and popular vote totals on election day.

As seen on TV! That's right people! You can get your Messiah on a plate now for just $19.99!
If you listen to the monologue, you will hear descriptions like, "The day the world changed" and"confident smile and kind eyes." This is so historic! We MUST commemorate the most inexperienced, liberal, and radical president elect ever! Woo Hoo!

"Where can I get this?" You ask?, where else!

Ok, this guy is getting immortalized for having done nothing but speak coherently. He has not written a single piece of meaningful legislation as a senator and has in fact voted, "present" the majority of votes he has been present at. Amazing how this clown was elected with the mantra of "change," "hope," and "yes we can."

Excuse me while I go barf.

[edit on 22-11-2008 by SuperSecretSquirrel]

hes the 44th president no wonder

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 09:19 PM
On the topic of the OT;

I was seriously thinking about posting about this over the last couple of weeks, but then I decided not to. Why? Because I didnt want to spoil something that I find so pricelessly funny as the plate and coin ads.
It is a brilliant stroke of marketting to get these out there immediately. It is a financial windfall waiting to happen. I am pretty sure they had McCain templates ready as well, but just with the Maverick advertisement, instead of the Change advertisement.

I will say this about them. It is an absolute fact that this election is historic and has marked itself in history. Look what happened? The United States of the Old-Boys-Club and the S&B frat bros has gone outside of the norm and done something that no one on the planet thought we would do...elect a Black Man into office.

The only thing that is annoying to me is that they keep calling him President Obama. Its a little early to be dropping the "-elect" from his title. Dubyah still has a couple months to go.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by chickenshoes

Originally posted by SuperSecretSquirrel
I don't care what other people spend their money on but the sheer amount of "Obamaphinila" is sickening. I can't go ANYWHERE where he is not on the cover of 4 magazines, on 10% or more of all T-shirts, on 25% of cars in the form of bumper stickers.

I think that its funny there are Ron Paul and McCain coins, but I won't buy them.

Obama supporters do though and I just cannot fathom why. Let the man accomplish something first BEFORE you idolize him for crying out loud!

There were plenty of McSame bots running around chanting the party lines too, but you seem to have missed that.

And I've seen tons of McCain/Palin bumper stickers, t-shirts, signs in yards, etc. all over the freakin' place around here. Very few Obama signs and such. Remember, almost half the popular vote went to McCain.

I voted for Obama, but I feel absolutely no desire to buy Obama memorabilia, drink Obama special almond flavored kool-aid, get on the Obama spaceship to Saturn, fly an Obama plane into the pentagon,or whatever it is we're being accused of now.

I'm curious as to how you know that all of us Obama supporters are buying this stuff, by the way? Just where did you come by your information?

I'm all for giving the guy a chance before passing judgement........... but, I'm pretty sure I've seen plenty of folks right here on ATS condemning him before he's even had a chance to start.

Funny, I don't see you criticizing them.

Hmm, not trying to aggravate a situation, but I did bring up some legitimate points and ask you legitimate questions which you have ignored.

Here they are again, since you must have missed them.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Oh, great! An Obama commemorative victory plate. Now I'll have something to eat my government cheese from - and something to stare at when I no longer have any food to put on it. Oh GOODY!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by kozmo

I don't think I'd want him watching me while I'm eating. I mean ewww. Now the obama toilet paper now that has possibilites.

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