posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:35 PM
I love it when people say Ron Paul hasn't done anything lol
Broke fund raising records during the election, put his rally next to the RNC and FULLY paid for it with NO tax many people were there??
Ron has been working on this longer than most people have been alive I'm willing to bet...longer then I have been alive I know.
Watched some of the RNP meetings on C-Span, its really funny how all the things they talk about needing to do has already been done, and successfully,
by Ron Paul.
I can understand people feeling frustrated that more doesn't happen, but imagine how Ron Paul felt for decades while none of US did squat for him.
Hes not stupid, he knows how to play the game for the long term, not just get a some short term 'camera time' on C-Span.
Impeach Bush? Why? Not that I wouldn't like to see it happen, but whats the point and do you REALLY think it would real man, seriously.
But where is all the support for HR2755, that's a bill that would make a difference and make our lives better. If your going to be mad at
anyone be mad at all the people that don't get off their duffs and do something, a lot more of them to be mad at.