posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Since they know brown dwarf stars exist, and they have pictures of them etc. Then I'm confused on why they wouldn't be able to see a binary star.
For it to be a companion star, it would have to have a pull on gravity, and thus be the closest star/brown dwarf to us.
If you want to prove nibiru wrong, all you need to do is point out how fast it would have to be traveling to even be here in 2012. It takes Jupiter
12 years to go around the sun, so 6 years about just to travel from the earth to jupiter. It would either have to be already inside the solar system
now(and it's effects) to be here by 2012, or traveling near the speed of light.
And of course, 2012 = mayans, Nibiru = summarians, cultures on 2 sides of the earth, and neither seems to mention the other. The 2012 date is just
something they've attached onto it, and it is nothing but pure disinformation.