posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 05:24 AM
I write this because to some extent I believe in afirmation of verbal or iontelegictual agreement between fellow souls. I don;t want to be interutpe
d by petty wrnaglings anymore, by that I mean puepose and interuptions DO NOT MIX. If there are any interuptions to our purpose (is that where the
problem is) purpose and our perception of an interpution. what is an interuption?
What prevents me from reaching a certain frequency? YOU MUST ASK YOURSELF THIS. What is your true cause, are you AWAKE.
Pulsate with the frwequency that coems with knowing where you are.
AGAIN what is an interuption, I didn;t aks who are the interuptions becasue that causes colloapse, distraction, balh balh balh .
Do you here me you recognise my words......are you crying......are you strong now.
You are one of GODS SOLDIERS. Fight without fighting become greater than the material world which has a strognledhold on us, shake it off, its too
confusing and is just disorganised confusions most of the time.
Some may well feel their higher selves kick in about now.....aren;t you wonderful........where do we go from here i ask you... how do we improve on
sucvh symphonic order.
What was that and interusption again not it can;t be the audacity the vengeons and furios anger I will wreak down on any that interupt the harmony of
our state of grace.
I daon't care for those that don;t undersand me. LEAVE NOW you might never understand my complexity. You are young and sometimes foolish, be
careful who's presnense you grace here.
WE, I YOU, ME, THEM, US, US , US is it any acident that US is here no i don;t think so you are here to express too experince the wonder of
expansion the CLARITY of familarity. It's not coincidence that familaity and family aare similar.
We drift, but to drift without purpose is the crime. FOcus one youe sense of purpose WHY WHY WHY or more to the poinbt when and where....shall we go
......are you and I ready yet... is there really anything here that is of real interest anyomore ??????? ...OK LETS UNITE THEN you can come to me or I
TO YOU. whatever is easier but we must not grow old oever this trust me if something si holding you back its not natureal its not part of the marix
be syphonic and there not only will you find order but also you will find our collective meaning and intualtion of ewherwe to take us nedt we are on a
ship yuou see or at least that si the idea .......oohhhh words i should be reaally you know that dont you speakch so tireieingggg my jaw almost feel
it want to go on beacus eit way behind my mind . Why are we doing here?????? realise is it about you me or them nice them light I can see the light
is sahrper now. always confirmaiton that agreement language know the language it helps you know but it has to be eaqrned.
ponder,,,,,,,,,,on what ive said you head explode yet or comfopratbly numb,