"HPMs are man-made lightning bolts crammed into cruise missiles. They could be key weapons for targeting Saddam Hussein's stockpiles of biological
and chemical weapons. HPMs fry the sophisticated computers and electronic gear necessary to produce, protect, store and deliver such agents. The
powerful electromagnetic pulses can travel into deeply buried bunkers through ventilation shafts, plumbing and antennas. But unlike conventional
explosives, they won't spew deadly agents into the air, where they could poison Iraqi civilians or advancing U.S. troops."
Using EMP weaponry is the future. Taking out the weapons and infrastructure without harming people via EMP is a good option against countries like
Iraq and North Korea.
More advanced countries will probably shield themselves against EMP, but it will force them to use resources to do this.
I agree any war technology that means no lives are lost are brilliant, problem could be that these systems are developed by the military without
anyone really keeping an eye on just whats being developed and could have other, say environmental or long term harmful effects to people.
An excellent option for taking out the infrastructure found in towns and cities that has become a usual target of first wave attacks...telephone
exchanges, broadcasters, power distribution etc.
Leaving people with their hair standing on end is a much better option than killing families IMHO