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Judge orders release of 5 terror suspects at Gitmo

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posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by jd140
Your not afraid of terrorists? Neither were the victims of the first WTC bombing, the attack on the USS Cole and the family and victims of the destruction of the WTC on 9/11.

Just because you "aint" scared of them doesn't mean that they wouldn't harm you or your loved ones the first chance they get. I for one haven't given up any rights since the war has started. Have you? If so which ones? Enemy combatents lost their rights when they either helped a terroist or shot a single bullet at a soldier.

If you want Equal treatment then I guess we should start decapitating and murdering all those charged with being an enemy combatant. We should put a video of someone reading the charges and then carry out the execution. All things being EQUAL they did it to us.

You mentioned the Geneva Convention. Do you know what it is and why it was put in place? Why complain that we aren't strictly abiding by it if our enemy is doing so much worse to us? I don't hear anything about the way we are treated when captured.

It is a two way street and many people including you want to make it a one way street, where we are the only ones that should be held to it.

So what if they are being held for a long time. They are being fed, clothed and given shelter. Whereas our men and women are being held, starved and murdered on the internet.

Try and change that then complain to us that these poor souls are being held away from their families illegally.

Replace the word terrorist with Government in your first two paragraphs, I agree just because you aren't afraid of them doesn't mean you're not in danger.

Next you lost all the Rights we all did, just because you haven't been arrested and not charged yet doesn't mean it can;t happen. The government did away with Habeus Corpus. They are wiretapping everyone, reading everyone's mail, telling people who can go somewhere or not etc. etc. Look at it this way not all Germans were put in camps and killed, but under the law anyone could be and many were, but some weren't... Does that mean it couldn't have happened to all of them? Padilla, an American was arrested in America and held without charges or an attorney for over 4 years, if they can do that to ONE American they can do it to any... You lost your Rights like everyone elese you just don't know it, like everyone else.

Equal treatment is about American Law and what we CLAIM to be, we claim the Moral high ground but do worse than our enemy. Actions speak much louder than words my friend and we're not acting Moral, Lawful, or IMO Human in our actions with Gitmo.

So I can arrest you or your child and no charge them with any crime and hold them for years just as long as I "Shelter, Feed and clothe them"? That argument is lacking in any rational thinking way!!!

I don't want no dangerous terrorist released, CHARGE THEM. If you can not prove they are terrorists RELEASE THEM. If the police were allowed to arrest and hold anyone they "THOUGHT" was committing or gonna commit a crime we would need more jails. But this nation already jails more of it's own than any other nation on the planet. We got ourselves into this mess by taking these people out of the countries they were captured in. Afghani Courts and Rules could have allowed for them to do this there, but here in America we have Rights and Laws and Duties and once we lower ourselves to the level of the so called terrorists, we have become them..

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by neonine

Originally posted by jd140
You mentioned the Geneva Convention. Do you know what it is and why it was put in place? Why complain that we aren't strictly abiding by it if our enemy is doing so much worse to us? I don't hear anything about the way we are treated when captured

apparently you haven't read the Geneva convention ether. you trying to tell us just because some one else is breaking the rules we can go ahead and do it to? then tell me kind sir where do you draw the line. tormenting humans?, killing possible innocent people? i dont care if they kill some there still human and they deserve to be treated in a humane way not like animals. and i believe if you read that document you might grasp that out of it.

Did I say that? My point is that we are for the most part following the rules. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I do know that as in all things there will be a few bad apples. I was saying that we are so focused on the way these terrorists are being treated we are forgetting about how we are being treated much worse on the other side. So don't try and twist my words and for your information, I have read the convention and I haven't just read it, I have put it to use. Your welcome.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:36 PM
I just realized that I am dealing with anti government people who buy into the 9/11 conspiracy and that the government is the real terrorist. This is my last post on this thread. Have fun amongst yourselves.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by jd140

I'm sorry that it irritates you that you cant bend the rules but there there for a reason. and for your info all the people from the KSA that where at gitonimo bay were all found innocent so how would you have felt if we bent the rules and did something to them. i know when I'm twisting my words around on people and you sir I'm not doing that to I'm just quoting what your saying. and that last rash out burst let me know i was spot on. sorry mate i just call it like it is.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by jd140

I haven't mentioned 911 at any time have I? I believe you brought that up and my feelings on 911 don;t matter.

Simple point is this... America was founded on CERTAIN STANDARDS and rules and ways of handling criminals. Our founders knew how govt power could get out of hand and oppress the people, they tried to stop this kind of thing with the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and other such things as common Law etc..

If we don't abide by our own standards and Rules who are we to question anyone else?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:25 PM
The Geneva Convention identifies these detainees as UNlawfully combatants and therefore, legitimate detainees. As for doing to them what they do to us, the G.C. does allow for reprisals.
We are not torturing anyone. Yes, before you ask, I do know this to be a fact. No, it's not really your business how I know it.
The people being held in Cuba are not "good people that have made bad decisions" as some think of our prisoners here in the US. They are people that believe their religion has called on them to convert, subvert, or destroy anyone that does not subscribe to the teachings of Mohammad (teachings that they themselves have twisted to fit their goals). If you really think they should be freed, rent the house next to yours and ask President Elect Obama to send a couple to live next door to you.

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