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No wonder Obama got elected

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 07:51 PM

pretty sad that these kind of people are allowed to vote. there should be an IQ test before voting.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Swatman

LOL funny video mate..

GRanted.. when I was asking everyone I knew whether they voted for our scumbag congressman not a single person knew his name. Not one. Just knew him as "the republican? Ya I voted for him.."

This is why Democracy failed, and why people should never have been left to govern themselves.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Where were those interviews?
Most I know are aware.
The MSM does paint a picture superficial. Relying on anyone to spoon feed your reality is a victory for those who desire your complacency.

Substitue the time spent watching TV. In a word,

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:43 PM

i guess this is fake too eh????

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Swatman

Actually, it would appear to be.
Seriously though, I can't really make out the words but I think it says 'No video stream in the .....' for 6 minutes. Can't make out what the last word is.

Edit to say: I think that last word is input. Man I really need glasses.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Jenna]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:49 PM
^ it is supposed to. howard stern is a radio personality... he doesnt use television....... all those interviews were taped. and howard stern is a heavy democrat so im surprised he even had this on his show.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Swatman

Ahh, that's the problem. Didn't realize my speakers were turned off. Sorry about that!


That was some pretty funny stuff there. Just goes to show that some people didn't take the time to find out where the candidate they supported stood on the issues.

And again, sorry! On my laptop and didn't see the little red circle on the speaker symbol. I blame it on my new glasses not being in yet.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Jenna]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:07 PM
haha yeah thats the thing i love about video, ANYTHING can be made to say ANYTHING. its all about editing. some people just need to read more i guess.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:22 PM
Honestly, this is indicative of Americans in general, not just Obama voters. Sad, but true...

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Well hey, that video made me feel great! I voted for Obama and I knew the correct answers to all of those. But, I also didn't let the media help me decide who to vote for, I took part in a little thing called "research."

That's a concept that seems to scare most voters.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Swatman
pretty sad that these kind of people are allowed to vote. there should be an IQ test before voting.

Are ya new ?

That's the exact same reason ANY of them get elected.


posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by stonespiral

Something you have to realize is that we are living in a country where 60% of the population has admitted to never having read a single book, in their lifetime, all the way through... It's sad, but true. We live in a nation of intellectual peons.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by stonespiral

You RESEARCHED the __________ [a list of uncharitable words come to mind]

and STILL voted for him???

Boggles my mind.

I guess it wasn't enough that his bossom buddy had a detailed plan to exterminate 25 million Americans who disagree with Communism etc.

I guess the numbers have been raised since then.

I guess it didn't matter that to get his Senate seat, he got all the other candidates removed from the ballot essentially through thuggery.

I guess it isn't enough that he is eager to close Roman Catholic hospitals for refusing to allow infanticide wherein mostly born healthy babies have their brains stabbed, mushed about and sucked out . . .

He probably even agrees with his globalist cohort--the UK 'ethicist' [what a contradiction in terms] who advocates parents having the right to arbitrarily at will kill any of their children up to age 8.

I guess it isn't enough that he's not Constitutionally qualified to be a Senator--much less President!

God have mercy.

I inreasingly understand how well deserved the looming judgment is.


[edit on 20/11/2008 by BO XIAN]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Intellectual peons?

. . .

Intellctual absents . . .

Intelectual idiots . . .

Intellectual robots . . .

Intellectual vacuum heads . . .

Intellectual morons . . .

Intellectual MSM sponges . . .

Intellectual empty vocabularies . . . [I know Chinese ESL students with much greater English vocabularies than many of my Jr College students.]

Intellectual lazies . . .

Intellectually zoned/stoned out . . .

Intellectually care lobotomized . . .

Intellectually bother neutered . . .

Intellectually neutered period.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Yes, too many Americans of all persuasions are far too little read; far too lazy headed; far to ignorant; far to blindly willfully biased . . .

However, It is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that the Obummao voter was FAR MORE IGNORANT and FAR MORE a willingly blind MSM sponge than the conservative voter--probably by a couple standard deviations if those interviews are any clue at all.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Swatman

yeah and the people that voted for bush (twice!!!) apparently have massive intellectual powers. the sarah palin crowd were the scary ones.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Yes, too many Americans of all persuasions are far too little read; far too lazy headed; far to ignorant; far to blindly willfully biased . . .

However, It is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that the Obummao voter was FAR MORE IGNORANT and FAR MORE a willingly blind MSM sponge than the conservative voter--probably by a couple standard deviations if those interviews are any clue at all.

yeah right...because NO republican voter ever gave a clue as to how ignorant they were...yeah right. maybe bring back dan quayle...another intellectual giant.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:53 AM
IQ tests before voting?
You guys already sorted that one out with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, why step back in time?
What kind of democracy would you be running if you didn't allow those who aren't deemed 'intelligent enough' to vote?

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