posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:55 AM
On this subject of immoral imortality of suffering, when the semi-Deity Hercules was punished for failure to perform his "tasks" of great strength,
and descended to the 'course of nature'; where he stays now forever doomed to be eaten by the Raven at his LIVER. And, as recourse have
re-establishment via intervention.
Quick uptake---if a subject were clinically approached, often, by all parties in a semi-Medical faction, uh that's fashion. And, given that this is
possible due to thought abstract. Why, then, would FEAR be a factor for say, this superior form. This Hercules. As the tradition is handed down, he
failed his instruct. To be "REformed".
To say of Herculean Effort is to take upon an "impossible" task with known failure outcome. Impossible. Give HUMAN knowledge of repair in the
Medical Field, why would Philosophers have the cleansing organ so torn at, with what's observed as natural.
This fear, is a rewrite of causality of known conflicting with desirable I would think. Don't know, liver-pump makin' racket and can't think