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Cave near Cushman, AR?

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:44 PM
There is an interview with Thomas Castello that I came across where he talks about a group of speleologist's that "broke into a vast underground labyrinth west and northwest of Cushman Arkansas." I assume he is talking about a cave. Does anyone know which cave he was talking about? There are several that would fit the west and northwest location, but I cannot find any other information on this. Also if you know where I can find more info on this, please let me know. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:15 AM
Not at all sure this qualifies as breaking political news.

Unless, of course, it turns out that this cave is where the Clintons have been leaving all the bodies ...

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

Personally I think it's the cave where Osama has been hiding all these years. Right under your noses, so to speak.
But then, it should be posted under the War on Terror. doh!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:35 AM
My specialty

here you go

cushman 1

cushman 2

cushman 3

cushman 4

Some basic reading on the area, legend of the other cave and the well known Blowing Cave which is quite a nice Cave

Blowing Cave is of interest to me because I intend to Dive it one day, any cave in the region that has water would be a natural connection to the other systems... I use dives as the mechanism to access the best systems

Scary, not many people willing to do it really, but most assuredly where you have running water it opens into newer deeper systems, I can tell you from experience

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:53 AM
The area is actually a phenomenal caving region, I do not doubt the possibility of some huge ranges.

Thing you have to understand is people guard caves like they guard gold...

I talk allot in here about underground civ's being possible, one of the reasons, I have found some serious cave systems

and I'll be damned if i'll reveal them, then get dynamited shut... clamped down on b y the Govt or just abused by visitors...

I have one, that... is deeper than any I see listed in the world by my guesstimates and haven't come close to finding it dead ended...

But, i'm not about to give it up... not until I find what I'm looking for

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Thank you for the information and I apologize for being in the wrong place. I'm still new to this, I'll get it right next time. Thanks again, the info was very helpful.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:07 PM
I live in Little Rock... I would LOVE to go to some caves again.

I used to go to some up in and around Eureka Springs alot, but I can't remember the name of all of them. All I know is that one of the entrances was pretty much right inside of this guys house. You had to go into this house like structure where he had made a gift shop out of one of the rooms, and inside was just about a quarter miles of lights and rocks and stuff, but it was cool none-the-less.

I haven't been in about 4 years now, but would love to go again, and this time to a REAL one!!!

U2U me if anyone is interested!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:20 PM
I, too, live in Arkansas...I've heard of this subterranean race before (another website calls them the "Moon-Eyes", bc their eyes seem to wrap around their heads). Subsequently, I printed side-by-side aeromagnetic and county maps...showing where the highest peaks in electromagntism are located. I've gone back and put little stars over the (approximate) location of Cushman...but remember the actual entrace-cave is supposed to be somewhere around the W/NW of that.

Depending on if and how the tunnels double back to the south or the southwest, that put these underground cities right there in the middle of some of the highest electromagnetic fields in whole state of AR! Food for thought, I suppose

**You can U2U me if you want a copy of the maps I put together!

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Don't bother to take diving gear. You guys are all nuts I grew up in Cushman about 2 miles from the Blowin Cave and there is no underground people and no water deep enough to dive in.

As a kid I spent many a day in that cave and others in the hills around Cushman. Trust me its just a cave like thousands in that part of the state some big and some small.

When the mines were open many of the miners dug into underground caves some of them very large. Those ol time miners my dad included would laugh their butts off to read some of this stuff you guys post

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 12:30 PM
I live very close to cushman, in batesville. In fact, my brother used to go caving around here.

There are some caves around here that have been blocked off because groups of kids have gone in and never come out.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by punkorange

Thats is an out and out lie. No groups of kids have ever gone missing in Independence County Arkansas in caves. No GROUPS of kids have gone missing for any reason. My family has been living in that county since 1852 and that post is just not so.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Arkansas is a very cave rich state. The Ozarks are a "mountain" range that is really nothing more than a large eroded ditch. Kansas, being right down the road and as flat as a pancake has elevations higher than some of the highest peaks in the Ozarks. However, the Ozarks are absolutely stunning in their beauty.

Near Cushman, Arkansas is a town called Cave City, Arkansas, just to give you an idea.
The largest Cave I know of in Arkansas is called Beauty Cave, in Newton Co. (that is all the info you'll get out of me here) and it is mapped like 17 miles.

To the poster that mentioned Eureka Springs, I was trying to think of which Gift Shop you were talking about, but it could literally be any building in Eureka Springs. Well, maybe not ALL of them, but a bunch. Eureka Springs has three layers. The original town has been built on top of twice now. You can still access "Underground Eureka Springs" if you know where to go. Still see building supports, roads, etc. I grew up there and it is a cool little town, for those that haven't been there.
Even the Library has subterranean storage areas.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:51 PM
They say Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes and few people know it but Arkansas is known as the land of 10,000 caves. We have them all over the darn place here. Some of the best in the country.

I've lived here all my life and I don't go caving, my paranoia isn't limited to what the government is doing.

As a previous poster mention many of the caves are kept secret, just to keep them from being defiled. Spelunkers are a snobbish bunch.

The land of Arkansas is truly a mystical place. We have the only diamond mine in the world where you can go in, hunt for diamonds and keep what you find. We have Hot Springs that are known to heal the body and when your healed you can walk the area which has crystals that set the world standard for purity. You can collect the crystals from mining operations or you can still stake your own claim on government land and open your own mine. We have the worlds best tamales, though many people think of them as Mexican food, tamales are more southern than grits.

So, if someone tells me they found a cave deeper or more exotic than anyone else has ever seen, I believe them. I've seen too much in this land not to.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by punkorange

I grew up in Cushman and family has been in county since 1852. I know of no group of kids missing in caves or otherwise.

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