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Odd Police Information Given To Me

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:53 AM
I hate to be the one to piss in everyone's post toasties but anthrax vaccines are not even effective or recommended or made for AIRBORNE anthrax. They are effective, recommended and made for CUTANEOUS anthrax.

So if there is an airborn anthrax attack (not likely since it settles to the ground rather quickly, is difficult to make, etc.) having a vaccine that's probably been sitting on the warehouse shelves for 40 years isn't going to do anyone any good.

Unless you've been in contact with infected sheep the anthrax vaccine is worthless and can definitely cause damage. My husband was in the Navy and became permanently disabled shortly after his 4th shot.

Dr. Meryl is a very nice lady and interested in helping veterans get to the bottom of their service-aquired illnesses. She has a web site (I think it's already been posted).

The smallpox vaccine you received as a child is most likely not conferring any immunity to you after all these years. If you're in your 20's (30's?) you probably never even got it.

I have essential oils, a mini-mate personal ionizer that I wear around my neck, a gas mask in car and at home, plenty of colloidal silver and a colloidal silver generator to make more when that runs out. There's more but I consider those to be essential. Only 3 days left to stock up.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by whitewave

Can't colloidal silver turn you blue? With my luck, I'd turn blue fast.

And - what do you mean only 3 days left to stock up?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:44 AM
If anyone is interested I found more on those Illuminati Cards NWO ..

This link links to the same one I posted but at bottom of page it has a part 2,3,4,5
Which shows more cards in that deck ..what has taken place and what has not.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by wintermarches

Don't want to derail the thread so check your U2U for answer.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by whitewave

If you know something is going to happen in 3 days, please feel free to derail!

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:57 PM
Back about one page Cairowoman had a link in her signature to one of her threads regarding Codex Alimentarius. I just checked it so I could link it here directly but it looks like she's moved it.

Feeling kind of lazy right now but if you check on "members" and see what her posts are recently you'll find out about Codex Alimentarius. Our access to health supplements are about to be removed.

See why I wanted to answer privately?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by whitewave

They said that it was recruiting a cause and they trashed my thread.....still naturalsolutionsfoundation or

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Cairowoman

I thought Natural Solutions Foundation (with Rima Laibow) was a controlled opposition group. If I find the time to tend to it, I (or someone) should start a thread about this soon, for information/discussion and not "recruitment". People will naturally take action if they understand the gravity of it anyway. Are we allowed to at least list actions that people could choose to take if they wanted to help the cause?

Anyway, I would like to know - what is this event to happen in 3 days? I thought we had a year before Codex was to be implemented. This is very serious if we can no longer buy supplements/herbs/etc in 3 days, especially if an anthrax or other germ warfare attack is coming soon. Even if the pharmaceuticals are available, effective, and safe (which I have a hard time believing will be true and across the board), nutrition and alternative medicine are going to be necessary as a complement to deal with symptoms and general healing, IMO.

(edited to minimize the derail)

[edit on 21-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by wintermarches

Please check your u2u..... I am afraid they will take out these posts so that others will not see it in the future and it is very important that everyone reading this post goes to natural solutions foundation and looks up the info for themselves.....anyways it is about how they are trying to pass a resolution to end interstate sales of ANY supplement that has a study written on it.....that would include all vitamins....ALSO it is about the govt allowing a resolution in favor of not having labels on GMO's in 5 days....please start another thread if you think you can play in ATS' rules......I am a little discouraged......

back on topic.....anthrax is a real threat and we need alternate sources to help us defend ourselves. I hope that is not the reason for all of these letters or drills...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:48 PM
As a government worker, I can tell you that most likely the story is:

that it had taken them this long since the anthrax scare to get a response agenda together. I am not kidding.
Government has never had a reputatation for being swift(except the IRS)

As a result of the SARS, anthrax, and whatever scares, we are supposed to have an emergency plan into place. I am on the call roster. I have no idea what I would be doing if called. where to go, nothing. All I know is that they have my phone number. I have even been surveyed if I know what to do. That was last year.

Don't you feel safe?

They probably had to get an ok from a team of lawyers. Get an ok from the Captain. There was a change in Captains and the new one wasn't signing anything till they got the letterhead he liked. Six months later he signed it. It had to go to a printer where they got minimum bid so the printer threw it in the back for another 2 years before printing it out. The team of lawyers had to look at it again. Then the interoffice delivery person lost them so they had to be printed all over again.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by nixie_nox]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Cairowoman
reply to post by whitewave

They said that it was recruiting a cause and they trashed my thread.....still naturalsolutionsfoundation or

Yeah, I kind of saw that one coming. Could've made it into a breaking news story, posted the links, stayed within the T&C. Just sayin'......

TPTB already know that there is fierce and intensely passionate opposition to restricting our access to dietary supplements so this one is going to be brought in surreptitiously while we're all paying attention to the economy, Obama's birth certificate, etc. No one will notice until it's too late.

This thread, however, is about information given by a policeman so we should probably stick to that.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Thanks for that calming bit of reality. That has indeed crossed my mind. I agree that it's a valid possibility and that large coordinated efforts can take an unreal amount of time to execute. So sometimes I step out of my CT-thinking long enough to entertain such thoughts. The biological attack warning from Mike McConnell doesn't help though!

I read somewhere recently, too, that our country doesn't prepare its citizens for emergencies like certain other countries do. This was on a page with instructions on how to survive a nuclear attack. They cited Israel, among other countries, with teaching its citizens such things.

(edited for spelling)

[edit on 21-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:56 PM
the only thing i think of i why use anthrax? its not the deadliest disease out there, or the most contagious. wouldnt abola be better (or worse) ?

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