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Global System - NWO

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posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Was inspired by another thread and decided to post my thoughts on the whole issue. It was written almost like an explanation, but I lost my train of thought and couldn't continue lol. Definitely a work in progress.


The System
For lack of a better description, our world is similar to the matrix. It is a system designed by the architect (the rich and wealthy) and is molded to suit there needs. When we are born into this system, we are immediately flooded with information (social conditioning – we need to look a certain way, have certain things, like certain things, etc – otherwise we are unpopular) and this phase lasts about 20 years (birth – 20 yrs old).

If we stay in this path of the system, we become a slave – and if we follow all the rules, maybe we end up with a nice retirement. If you are unsuccessful you drop into the poor class, and must become completely reliant on the system, just to survive. Unlike the slave class, a peasant usually doesn’t get to choose what jobs they have, they take anything. There exists a fine line between these two classes, and certain aspects of each, drift from one class to the other, depending on the current situation taking place in the system.

Then there exists the rich and wealthy. It is usually from the middle-class, that if someone can use the methods of the rulers, they can advance into the wealthy. Depending on how much money and influence you have, and what your agenda is, you will either be left alone by the system (and shown off as proof of the ‘dream’ of the system – the American dream) or will be approached by the system, to merge. In this case, you join the rulers, and are rewarded with a percentage of power in the system (a corporation controlling an industry (military contractors). So long as you do what your rulers ask you to do, you will be rewarded and maintain your power, and in some cases, gain more. If however, you grow a conscious and oppose or try to change the system with your power, you will be removed and/or exterminated.

This system is completely scalable, whether it is:
- an individual
- a group
- a village
- a town
- a city
- a state
- a country
- a region
- a world

The trap of the system, or the means that it uses to draw in new slaves, is that it sells conveniences and advertises them excessively, so its constantly in our faces 24/7. It also sells us temporary power, via credit. During our working years (20 yrs old – 60 yrs old) we have established what life we choose; either as a slave, a rebel, or a peasant.

A slave is controlled by the system and will act accordingly. As more time goes on, the slave becomes more and more dependent on the system.

A rebel revolts against the system, and is attempted to be controlled. As more time goes on, the system will try to control and repress more and more of the rebellion, until that person can be made dependent on something. Usually this person is swayed by other people within the system.

A peasant is also made to be extremely dependent on the system, regardless of there dependencies or rebellious nature. They are usually cut short on there needs and are provoked to resort other means of surviving, whether peaceful or hostile.

Because the system is extremely reliant on the slave (middle class), lets examine that. Everything is made to be just out of reach by ordinary means for the slave. The system wants us to become dependent on credit, as a means of obtaining those ‘just out of reach’ items – spending well above your means. By doing so, they can literally control what you do for the rest of your life, and still become wealthy off of it, and you have no choice. This type of situation is obviously an extreme example on the spectrum. But today we are trapped in debt with education costs, health care costs, living costs, entertainment costs, etc. This type of system does not allow free thinking.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 07:15 PM
Due to the constant stress and pressure from the system, the person can only focus on the system and survive.

Types of People / Groups
There exist three types of groups and three types of people, in the world. There also exist three types of ways people react to situations.

Rulers / Rich / Wealthy
These people control the power within a given system. Because of there tremendous power, there power and wealth only increases as the system molds more and more to there ideals to support there agendas, which is usually to control more. These people are generally negative.

Slaves / Middle Class / Working Class
These people do all the work for the rulers, to support the system, and barely get compensated for it. They are trapped in a game in debt, were they have to use everything they make in order to live and survive, based on the standard of living set forth by the system. These people are generally positive, but more then often become neutral.

Peasants / Poor / Criminals
These people live off of the system, at the cost of there pride. They are given just barely enough to survive, and are given very little options or means to leave this ‘class’. These people are generally neutral, until provoked to become negative.

These people try to help. However, they are only allowed to help or do well so much. If they over do it, they either get shushed up, jailed, or killed. This usually leads to the person becoming neutral, to prevent any further confrontations with the system.

This is the type of person the system loves. These types of people, regardless of what’s happening, will not react to a situation. They focus merely on there lives and there family – making sure they have food on the table, a steady job with income, and means of entertainment (sound familiar?). They won’t do the right thing because often they will have to sacrifice things from there comfortable lives that they have been made to believe are important and essential. In fact, this type of person is more likely to resort to negative reactions.

These types of reaction deals with people exploiting situations, purely for there own self interest. Like the positive side, they are restricted – they can do anything against the law, as long as they don’t get caught. If they get caught, they embarrass the system in place (for allowing them to do the things that they did) and expose its fault. This person is more likely to fall even deeper into negative reactions.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 07:26 PM
This is a brilliant analysis of society. I can see that these are your own words and some of your own conclusions. However, you must have arrived at these conclusions by reading/acquiring information. Can you name any of your favorite sources (besides ATS of course)?

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 07:58 PM
That was unfortunately something I wasn't very good at. For me, it really began around 9/11. That was when the conspiracy bug kicked in. It wasn't until several years after wards, and a certain experience, that I started to wonder. I recalled on the day of 9/11 that it struck me that the towers falling resembled a controlled implosion almost identically. The odds of it happening on its own are low. As the top of the tower fell downward, it began to shift to one side. If the rest of the tower did not fall in a manner dictated by an implosion, it would of rammed into a nearby building (which I later learned that no building near the towers received more then minimal external structural damage, which is common in profession implosions for insurance purposes). This lead me to believe that the government that was meant to provide and help, may not really be looking out for me after all.

I had always been into UFO and the possibility of there existence, and while I reasoned that it was highly unlikely, I wasn't about to stand outside with a sign that reads "Take me with you!". From my point of view, you have to look at the model of the universe, and in turn our solar system. Our solar system was capable of creating intelligent life, based on the same rules that govern every other solar system in the universe. Life on earth is based on the characteristics of our planet, and its relation to our solar system. My basic conclusion was that if our planet, based on its location from the sun and the size of the sun, was capable of creating life, there its highly likely that other planets with similar proportions to earth and the sun, would most likely yield similar life. Obviously its based on thousands of factors, but the potential for life, for me, was there.

I also became very interesting in the work of Nikola Tesla, and began to study his work and his view of the universe. This, eventually, lead me to look for info on anti-gravity and what not, which shares a fine line with UFO related material. I had purchased several of tesla's books to study that, but also purchased a anti-grav/ufo book (which also dealt with tesla) called "The Cosmic Conspiracy - By Stan Deyo). I had watched a video, where he presented a conference in NV I believe on ufo technology and his involvement, which through further investigation, lead me to his book. I mostly read about the tesla related material, but did browse through the ufo/nwo/conspiracy portion of it. From teslas portion, to me, I believe it was possible to achieve anti-gravity. Consider this: The majority of the universe, empty space, has no gravity. Only planets or large pieces of mass have gravity. Therefore, gravity is the by-product of certain properties, rather then being inherent. From the other portion, I was more willing to believe there was some sort of conspiracy going on, just didn't have much of an idea.

Then I started to come across the Illuminati, the nwo, the reptilians, and just about every other conspiracy theory out there. And that's when I started to notice something. My 'research' was nothing more then casual reading of articles and threads across the internet, and some dvds I came across that discussed similar topics. I also watched some material from Alex Jones, Michael Tasrion, and David Ike.

Stan Deyo provided the foundation to the reptilian story, and 'alien' technology. Alex Jones helped bridge the 9/11 conspiracy for me, and its role. David Ike helped shed some more light on the NWO and the reptilian connection. Michael Tsarion provided the bull background story of who the reptilian people are and what there agenda is.

It was only by looking at all the conspiracies together did the conspiracy actually make sense (of coarse only by putting it into perspective). First you had the reptilians that came from another system. The one thing that gets me is that the more you research it, the more you realize just how much of our world is controlled by 'them'.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 08:02 PM
Look the effing problem with your system slaving everybody is that no one obeys the rules when they don't have to. You just complain about the rules, most of us realise, if you have to break the rules, just get away with it.

This is standard socialist mantra. If every system was rigid, like the socialist system too often becomes, life is hell. Allow people to move fluidly, or at least without too much viscosity.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 08:10 PM
I agree with everything except that social conditioning ends at about 20 years old. I realized this stuff since I was 14 and I am now 17. I don't think their is a certain age that people realize things since everyone is different and some adults can be children on the inside and some children can be adults on the inside.
The only solution to the NWO that I have found is to rise above being controlled by fear. This is the cure for the disease not just the symptoms so to speak. And it works on every level. Most people don't understand this simple concept and so live their lives as best they can striving to serve fear and be slave of it for the entirity of their natural lives (then I believe they are probably reincarnated to learn some more). Once you realize that fear is not all powerful-it is not a god-you don't have to listen to it at all, then you have achieved the ultimate goal, I believe. However I don't know of a single person who is not controlled by fear. What we can do to beat this elite and any other force working against us and the only thing we can do (unless anyone has any other suggestions) is to try to overcome what we fear. Sorry if I sound preachy, but I really do believe this.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 08:37 PM
What I meant by the social conditioning is that, generally, from the birth - 20, we are in some sort of learning environment. pre-k, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school - and if we so desire, college. Obviously the conditioning continues from there from advertisements, social interactions, etc.

Totally agree that people need to stop being controlled by fear. True power is not something many people have. When we give in to something, we are letting that very thing control us - the difference between doing something because we want to, or because we have to. Excellent book that I read about this subject is "The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja - Ross Heaven".

While I do agree that we need to stop being afraid, what can we really do though? For me, if I wanted to live off the grid, unattached to the system I would have to find somewhere else to go, provide food, water, and shelter, and fulfill some purpose. What good is being free in the open if you cant really do anything? At that point I might as well become a monk or something. If I want my own piece of land, I need money. To get money I need to work, and usually, I'll need to get a loan, which means debt to pay off. Already I'm bound to the system for X amount of time, to earn my freedom. But once I have my land, I need shelter - a house. Then I need either a source of income or the means to grow my own food, provide my own water, and if necessary, my own power - not to mention sewage/drainage. By comparison, living in the system, I had a source of income which provided food, water, shelter, entertainment, and other opportunities - at the cost of my true freedom. Even if I start my own business, I still have to pay a debt to the government.

Ok then, so change the government? You can try, but you'll never succeed. The more people live under control, the more control the government is able to get. But if you leave the system provided by the government, the less you have to work with, but you gain your freedom. But by the time you try to change the government, theirs already too many barriers to get through that it seems endless and hopeless. So you find yourself right back at the choice you had all along - freedom or convenience. Everyone knows what need to happen to change the system - its repeated in history time and time again - the difference is the system created those wars/revolutions to reshape and remold there system, and consolidate there power into fewer and fewer hands. The problem today is leadership and organization. At this point in time it would be impossible to organize against. The guerrilla fighter/freedom fighter and the modern infantryman are very far apart in terms of technology. You can only fight each other in certain ways. For the freedom/guerrilla fighter this means small, low intense conflicts, as opposed to high intensity, massed attacks. The transition from WWII to Vietnam and to the two gulf wars, showed a drastic change in military tactics from attrition based warfare (massed infantry assault) to unconventional warfare (shoot and run tactics).

Everyone in America would literally need to not work for at least 6 months, for TPTB to get scared. They depend on us. Sure, we depend on them, but we can store what we're dependent on - they cant store us (ie, we can stock up on food, water, etc for 6 months, but its not like they can just come up with people to replace us, they NEED us).

What are they going to do? Fire us all? Arrest us all? The only down side is that is a bluff move. If they call the bluff, we have nothing, (unless we sanction off areas of land for ourselves to rebuild a new system) and they can use the opportunity to set up an even stricter system were being a slave, as much as it sucks, is better then starving to death.

Very well engineered, I have to say. Downright evil though. Many people are against it, but it seems no one is willing to step up. JFK and MLK paid there prices for trying :/

[edit on 17-11-2008 by Halzman]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Halzman
What I meant by the social conditioning is that, generally, from the birth - 20, we are in some sort of learning environment. pre-k, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school - and if we so desire, college. Obviously the conditioning continues from there from advertisements, social interactions, etc.

Oh, ok...then I agree that we are constantly bombarded by what we "should" be by MSM and social conditionings, but this is ancient, not as prominent, but still existant in ancient societies.

While I do agree that we need to stop being afraid, what can we really do though?

Define your fears then overcome them. The same way you did when you were a little kid and probably scared of the dark or monsters or something.

Everyone in America would literally need to not work for at least 6 months, for TPTB to get scared. They depend on us. Sure, we depend on them, but we can store what we're dependent on - they cant store us (ie, we can stock up on food, water, etc for 6 months, but its not like they can just come up with people to replace us, they NEED us).

Good idea but once again unlikely to happen because the people are under the control of fear and under the control of the elite.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 09:20 PM
The only way to get rid of social conditioning? Do not believe in it.

This is a socialist trap that is designed to say that our natural expressions are anti-socialist. Of course they are, they are expressing our individuality. Look the NWO is pretty fuucked, China is taking over, India now controls cricket, and Bush Snr. is from a day passed.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 09:51 PM
You see, everything in place today in the system, had its uses, just currently its being used wrongly.

Social Conditioning for example - I do think there should be some sort of social structuring. We as humans are social animals, however, we aren't properly taught how to socialize. For the most part, we're left to figure it out on our own, and usually we don't pick up the best advice. Its almost as if we're taught just enough to function, and the rest is left to interaction/experience, and in turn, what we can figure out on our own.

There was no guidance in school. The school just has certain requirements which must be fulfilled. The teachers then only teach you what you need to know to pass the test, rather then general knowledge. For me personally, I didn't realize what certain areas of math could be used for, until way after school was over.

I dont know... there just sooo many things its not even funny. The key point to keep in mind is that this system is working exactly how its supposed to work. And nothing short of replacing the system will change it.

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