posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Part 2
"Atheism can be a stage in spiritual development, but like any stage, it is possible to become stuck there. If the mind closes down and comes to rest
at the stage of atheism (which is only a negation and nothing more), the issue of one’s inner nature will have been consciously pushed aside. But
atheism can also serve as a blank slate in the process of spiritual development. The accumulated doctrine of organized religion is swept aside by the
truly atheistic point of view. If the atheist is then willing—at some later point—to re-examine his or her views, this blank slate can become a
springboard for spiritual development—an uncluttered room in which the right furniture can be arranged. Atheism, then, is not in itself a negative
stance, although, in time, it may become a breeding ground for the perpetuation of negative energies in some."
"Dimensions can be compared to building blocks. The more you have, the more energy forms will be possible (and the more complex they can be). It is
important to realize, however, that the way that the bocks are assembled is tied to intent.
When moving from one dimension to a higher one, it will be observed that what were contradictions or paradoxes within the lower level can exist
together without contradiction at the higher one, as more context will be available. So what are genuine paradoxes at one level will be liberated and
freed into a fuller meaning at the higher level. Furthermore, the speed at which energy transmutes as a result of intent is seemingly quicker at
higher dimensions. The increase in speed (which is relative) will itself increase as you move higher, until there is no division between intent and
manifestation—this is the realm of pure love. "
"Fear is artificial. There is no substance to it. Fear is the product of time, and positioning the ego in relation to events in time."
The Language of the Present Moment
"With time the awareness can be trained to experience what is without the distortions of the mind getting in the way. If you are able to train your
mind to sit still for an extended period of time, the present moment will open up to you by degrees. By quieting the mind and maintaining the focus on
the entirety of phenomena arising in the present moment, we allow ourselves to hear the language of the present, of what is. If you can train the
attention to take in the entirety of present sense phenomena—while keeping the mind and its thought stream in focus without grasping—you will
begin to hear the language of reality spoken in full sentences, rather than the single letters that the mind is able to interpret. Of course, grasping
at these full “sentences” with the mind will immediately pull you out of the present."
The Dark Self
"Do not seek safety from the darker regions of the self, for such safety is illusory. Dealing with these dark regions is what you are here to do. Own
what you are, but show compassion towards the self. This is what it means to take responsibility for your authenticity and the blockages that hinder
the flow of love outwards. Above all understand that fear of the darker regions of the self is avoidance of responsibility. Eventually these energies
will need to be faced."
Observing Nature
"Spend time observing nature, being in nature. There is nothing that the awareness cannot remember about the fundamental nature of existence from
simply being in nature. Natural objects reject their human-given names more easily than any man-made object. The natural world exudes—even in its
most violent moments—an energy of complete union, fluid interchange. "
Lessons at Night
"Much important work in done in the time of sleep. When the personality and its karma operate in the fully self-generated universe of dreams,
challenges and important lessons are highlighted. "