posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 11:37 AM
Imagine how many billions of tons of raw metals and minerals we have mined from the earth,I mean visualise the scale of how much resource raw
material has been mined and refined since the first caveman broke a piece of stone to make a tool.
Dont underestimate how much our species has accomplished.
The flipside of genetic screwing is one people dont talk about much because we always think about it in terms of living longer,is that if you shorten
a human lifespan by five or six hundred years you make us live FASTER and reproduce FASTER,and we breed like rats until we overcrowd the planet.
But six billion humans who live seventy years of hard labor are substantially more productive than six thousand six hundred year olds because of the
simple physical reality of doing things in our environment.
We were bred to work and our lifespan was geneticly shortened from its potential,or possibly the further we get away from the original source of our
The more watered down our gene pool gets the shorter our lives so we are really DEVOLVING CLOSER TO THE POINT WHERE WE WERE ALTERED as a species.
This is why there is such a diversity amongst us all.
The enhancements affected a proportionatly large number of the population percentage wise at the beginning but as our numbers increased exponentially
the effect peaked and began to go down the other side of the mountain and we saw lifespans as recorded in the bible begin to decrease dramaticly until
they leveled out at what I believe is our more natural evolutionary lifespan.
This is why there is continueous abduction and genetic enhancement of people today,the tide always grows TOWARDS DEVOLVING with our exponential
population growth,because a seventy year old human on a planet of six billion wont have very much clout on the species family tree. Not enough time
,to many people with to little genetic percentage to stay advanced,regression is absolutely necessary,and so is maintaining the percentage of genetic
spreaders if you will.
This workforce was designed to be interstellar and had we not been decieved we would already be there as we are on our way now.This workforce will
always only need a specific number of each type of worker.
But everyone has to be at least smart enough to work productively.
Here is a little tip,if you have a really high IQ and you cant seem to work like a slave and you would consider being a CEO to be slavework you just
may have a higher percentage of a specific DNA TYPE.
Some people can do absolutely anything ,are geniuses but cannot subscribe to servitude of any sort,physical or spiritual.
We are being MANAGED by some of these other races,but not all,its a complicated universe,we have powerful friends,and powerful enemies,we are
developing a voice,and I believe WE were made into a special species so we could scavenge the entire planet.
Install an atmosphere,then life,then slaves,THEN MINE THE WHOLE ENCHILLADA.
Lets not cry about it ,lets just quickly gel as a species and choose our own fate with some DIGNITY.Good bad or ugly,lets step forward united
physically and spiritually.