posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 03:07 AM
Can you get rid of racism? the answer to that is NO.) I am a music producer that deals with people of all races. And I dont care who you are, or what
you potray, but racism has been around longer than any of us can think or read about. It is impossible to get rid of racism because people have been
raised with certain beliefs passed down by them through their families, or friends. Think about it, how many times do you drive down the street, get
cut off by someone, look at them, then automatically say something negative about either their appearance? "you stupid fat white trash #$#$ learn how
to drive"..or whatever. Its bred in us. whether it be blk vs wht..blk vs asain..korean vs chineese....doesnt matter. Racism isnt a personal problem,
its a global will never cease unless something greater comes into the picture to rid itof such(say for instance something from another
world). But until that day, we have to make due with the hate, and use it for our survival(Kind of like prison). You may not be a racist, but the
first thing you do is go to the group who looks just like you because you know better than to do otherwise. When the @#$# hits the fan, you do what
you got to do. Racist Hate crimes going on right now?
Of course, and I would think I was crazy to not seeing it happen.