Originally posted by shadow_bandit51
reply to post by TKainZero
Watch dog? I thought that's what the mods were for? My bad...
No no no...
The MODS are the LawGods...
I was going to type Lawdogs... but my fingers pushed the keys for LawGods... and well... i like that... so im keeping it...
To quote a Roman Orator whose name escapes me at the moment...
"Who Watches the Watchers..."
This wonderfully simple quote can bring SO much to the table...
and goes well with the times...
TO put it into a modern sense...
Who is watching over those that are SUPPOSED to be watching over the Fiscal budgeting in our US enconomy...
In other words... WHO IS WATCHING Hank Paulson...
Answer... no one... Thats how the greatest heist in HUMAN history happen in the last few months in the USA...
'Who watches the Watchers...'
jso... no... i will not give examples of this... cause that would violate the T&C...
As with MSNBC, or even wrestling, no one is forcing you to watch, or in the case of these self congratulatory orgies you seem to so
This is true... i do not venture into these threads... i choose not to...
But to continue the TV anology...
Channel surfing is like moving from forum to forum on ATS...
On TV, when one program ends, you move on... and start changing the channels... and sometimes... you change it to a channel, and you see something so
vial and disgusting, it just STICKS in your mind... You may have only seen it for a fraction of a second... but it was there, and you saw it...
sometimes you see things that you wished you didn't... like 2 dudes making out on MTV...
You didn't really CHOOSE to see it... you just happen to come across it...
Now, on ATS, when you have read all the threads you want on a particular forum, you move on... and just like on TV, you are skimming thru the other
options... sometimes you are going to read things you wish you didn't
You know what im talking about... what kind of thread titles you just WISH you hadn't seen... Threads like:
The Holocuast is a Fake
Santa is real
The earth is Flat
So thats that...
Now WHY did I start this thread...
Cause i was bored, and every Thread on BTS Chit Chat was some variation of ego-stroking...
Im big BTS fan...
With all the (Blank) going on, on this planet... sometimes i just need to cool off, and get participate in some threads that are less focused on the
issues of our earth, but more on the general randomness of life...
I go to BTS to expand on the General Randomness of life...
Not to stroke egos...
But everyone is diffrent...
Im not going to hold anything against people that PARTICIPATE in these kinds of threads... partly because i have no idea who IS participating in these
threads, other then the OP and the Last Poster...
rush... you know i love beer... but having an E-Beer... well... thats kinda like Cyber-sex...
Kinda pointless... never-ending in self-incrimination...
This is just the new direction of ATS...
I think i've made my point...
And i appreciate ANY replys you give...
Esspecialy when they are critical...
I would rather be friends with an Honest-(Blank)hole, then a Nice Liar...
But thats just me...