Well, I'm pretty stoked about Obama going to the White House. If only because his wife is pretty and his girls are pretty. It will be cool to have
some pretty faces in there for once.
Let's see, what else?
I'm getting a nice pay raise at the beginning of the year.
My wife and I are also saving a lot on food now because our daughter and her three kids who moved in with us are eligible for food stamps. This will
free us of about 500 dollars a month that we have put out extra for food for the last 6 months.
I sold a painting for 2,000 dollars. That was cool.
My new tires for my Jeep were only 400 bucks. That was cheaper than I thought they would be.
While the price of kerosene, which I use to heat my studio has gone up, I haven't had to burn any yet and it's November already.
Jim Beam was on sale at the Rite Aid and I bought a bottle of it and along with it I got a free hat that's rather stylish for a baseball type hat.
My latest edition of New American Paintings came in the mail and I was pleased to see most of the art was good for once.
The book my Israeli artist friend and I worked on using computers and skype for two years is finished. Now to find a publisher.
My kidney transplant rejection has been reversed a bit since I stopped taking one of the medicines for the last 6 months. hah!
My grandson has gone 5 days!!!!!!! without getting into trouble in the first grade. What a milestone in his short schooling career.
My granddaughter in the 5th grade, the one identified as having ADD was on the honor roll for the first time ever, with 8 A's and 1 B and.........she
was honored as being citizen of the month.
My grandson just finished his first season of flag football and he actually put out effort for something for once. Even though his team didn't win a
single game, he was still awarded the player who is most agressive for the league.
My youngest granddaughter can talk now and no longer runs away from me and actually comes up to me quite often and gives me hugs.
My oldest granddaughter is beginning to think about there being, maybe, a god of some sort, leading me to believe these ghosts and shadow people that
haunt her and me are starting to make her think that maybe there is life after this death, of some sort.
My youngest daughter is beginning to not be taken for granted by her husband because she is learning to stand her ground on some decisions.
My middle daughter is doing great in college where she is studying to be an RN.
My dog, which I received as a gift after my kidney transplant is a healthy 12 1/2 years old and still lively and playful, although, a bit of hard of
My little kitten that adopted me, which my wife referred to as "that little bitch" for stealing my heart is growing slowly and will be a small cat
who will be able to fit in my lap like for forever, which is where she loves to stay.
The plumber only charged me 100 dollars to replace my faucet system in the bathtub.
The check engine light finally stopped flashing on the dashboard of my wife's truck, making her feel better.
The lawn hasn't needed to be mowed for the last two months.
The farmer across the road will grow corn next year and so I will be able to plant some, uh, plants myself that won't be easily observed from the
ground or air. Heh.
Gas is now $1.76 a gallon around here.
I was accepted into a hoity toity art show.
I found a site online where I can buy slide film for my 35 mm camera at a real low price.
I made my youngest daughter's day by buying advanced tickets online, before they were all sold out, for the premiere midnight showing of Twilight and
she was most gracious to me.
My wife loves me more than I could ever hope and she remains just as cute as the day I met her 40 years ago and we hug and kiss whenever we meet and
depart and tell each other we love each other. And it isn't a habit we developed. It's true actions and reactions.
I guess I could go on and on but it's time to go outside and smell the fresh air.