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The New World Order... officially confirmed!

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:26 AM
Coming to your country on November 15th... that's tomorrow.

CNN officially talks about coming "New World Order", planned for the G20

I guess that shuts the mouth of debunkers and naysayers, doesn't it?

So what do we do now?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:30 AM
i see nothing about a NWO all i see is something that was a long time coming. these countries are getting together to solve a problem.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:31 AM
Great find OP, guess we weren't crazy after all. It's unfortunate though, that the masses will eat up the kool aid being spewed as the "only" solution. Sad really, people will end up selling their souls, their mind and their personal identity all so they can continue watching TV and eating fast food. Heck, even here in ATS I started noticing a big surge of "pro NWO" posts that make me sick to my stomach.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:32 AM
okay well i didnt read the whole thing but i still dont see a NWO anywhere in that. can someone give me the gist of it.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Headline in Forbes today... Message to all Elites in their Top Story!

Don't let the all-star cast at the G-20 gathering fool you. Some good may get done.

NWO is here.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:35 AM
I didn't see NWO either. and to quote bush "History has shown that the greater threat to economic prosperity is not too little government involvement in the market - but too much."

Not a big bush fan and do believe that we're moving in this direction a little bit but... no proof in that article.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Question
Great find OP, guess we weren't crazy after all. It's unfortunate though, that the masses will eat up the kool aid being spewed as the "only" solution. Sad really, people will end up selling their souls, their mind and their personal identity all so they can continue watching TV and eating fast food. Heck, even here in ATS I started noticing a big surge of "pro NWO" posts that make me sick to my stomach.

I don't understand what the problem is? I see more people jumping on the anti-NWO wagon without knowing a damn thing than I see people jumping on the pro-NWO wagon.

I don't see any problems yet. As long as we are free and independant, I think it's more than about time we changed our pathetic system of the way the world works.

Seriously.. it's 2008. WTF is taking so long to change things??

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Echtelion

The article does neither confirms a NWO nor is "official" unless you're granting CNN some world-dominating control of which I'm previously unaware.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:44 AM
I didn't come to the same conclusion as you did after reading the article.

The NWO will not come into power that easily.

All I see coming out of this meeting is possibly a move to help our world's economy. That's what I hope anyway.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Question
Heck, even here in ATS I started noticing a big surge of "pro NWO" posts that make me sick to my stomach.

There's NWO and then there's NWO. I have no doubt that mankind needs to form a one world government/leading-culture to make it into a type I civiliaztion. There is no way around it. And as everybody knows, a civiliazation either makes it into type I, or extincts, as there are no other possibilites in the long-term. It's a run against time, and everybody jumping the anti-NWO train needs to realize that there's a fairy-tale conspiracy-nut type NWO, the more down-to-earth NWO we're dealing at the moment with, and then there's this invitable type:

They are all intertwined in small parts (i.e. the one culture/government part), but you can't throw all of them into the same pot.

[edit on 14.11.2008 by SiONiX]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Official it is not. Perhaps if such a statement were to originate from the IMF, WorldBank or The United Nations it might have some degree of merit.
The mentioning of New World Order in the title of this article is an apparently somewhat of a ploy to incite interest in the article. The old bait and switch.
After reading the article as I'd suspected, there isn't an "Official" statement made anywhere to be found.

I agree that the World is looking to prevent this economic calamity from reoccurring. The US sells a bunch of worthless crap-o-la to the rest of the world while the heads of these major US Banking institutions waltz away with their Billion Dollar golden parachutes and salaries. And doesn't include their off shore account holdings.

Naturally the rest of the world is a little Pissed off as anyone would be when they've been scammed. As a result, the US have lost credibility in the American ponzi scheme we call the Federal Reserve Banking system.

With the US being essentially broke and having pissed off the rest of the World by ripping them off.
I do see a new world order in a different light from that of the British Crown -Rockefeller family controlled NWO, in that the rest of the world is going to move on to another financial system that is no longer strictly Dollar dependent which will not bode well for the dollar.

Thats what this meeting is about...

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:51 AM
NWO or not

I for one am glad they are getting their heads out of that hole in the sand and doing something or at least giving the impression of doing something about this global issue!

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