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The new Bond film takes a shot at the neocons, and the U.S. media hates it.

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posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:35 PM

The new Bond film takes a shot at the neocons, and the U.S. media hates it.

Indeed, Wright's character provides "Quantum of Solace" with yet one more of its pseudo-political subtexts, in this case the moral ambiguities of global realpolitik. It's not just Bond's dark side that's on display here, but Dick Cheney's, too.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:35 PM
Looks like big media doesn't like the new direction of the latest Bond movie. How dare they take a shot at the neocons, and I guess, environmentalism as well. The last pic took a shot at corporate bad guys, and it sounds like this one goes even further.

Heck, alot of us are PO'd at the current admin and its policies. This movie might have more appeal than big media would like. Can't wait to see it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:43 PM
See, that is all it takes. I was not interested at all before now.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:53 PM
I hope we see more movies coming out that portray the IC's as the bad guys. I think it is about time. Let's face it, they have been the bad guys for a long time now. Supporting Hitler, supporting terrorists, third world dictators, child labor, and drug lords.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Don't watch it.

Boring schlock. If people are shocked at the portrayal of some of the "Realpolitik" characters in it, then they've been living in a bubble for the last 50 years.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:47 AM
There are those of us that haven't been living for all of the past 50 years and movies entertain some of us. I was explaining to a friend of mine the other day that complex issues are interesting to ponder on from time to time but simplicity do have it's attractive points.

I do like how recent movies have pointed out a different reality. The Dark knight for example. I know some of us could go into a theater and walk out wondering how these new reality's are just being brought into the world for some. I enjoy it for the entertainment that it provides. But it's also good to use as a reference in certain situations.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Styki
I do like how recent movies have pointed out a different reality. The Dark knight for example. I know some of us could go into a theater and walk out wondering how these new reality's are just being brought into the world for some. I enjoy it for the entertainment that it provides. But it's also good to use as a reference in certain situations.

The Dark Knight was a great movie for MANY reasons. The deep, underlying message which it portrayed however was extremely relevant, and one which more individuals need to come to grips with, in terms of necessary versus popular leadership.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:26 AM
Huh, that's odd, seeing as The Washington Post is under the same ownership as Newsweek, which is constantly being attacked as part of "the liberal media."

Maybe just this movie reviewer doesn't like politics mixing with his action/spy films?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:51 AM
Funny thing is is that the Coorperate/Dictator/Neocon is always the bad guy. Full circle.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:10 PM
They are all corporate media controlled, they just pretend to be on one side or the other.

This is something I notice about a lot of movies, and even television shows. They start getting too critical of corporations and the government, especially if their criticisms are accurate, and they suddenly are getting bad reviews, and or are taken off the air.

I see this type of censorship regularly, so I thought I might point it out. There were some grumblings about a corporate finance guy as the bad guy in Casino Royale, like they should be off limits.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Good to see SOME of the Hollywood directors can still hold a fire to the big goverment machince

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by MacDonagh
Don't watch it.

Boring schlock. If people are shocked at the portrayal of some of the "Realpolitik" characters in it, then they've been living in a bubble for the last 50 years.

Yup....glad I watched it for free on the internet....for the first 20 minutes anyway...zzzzzzzzzz

Utter fleming would be turning in his grave!

The political messages they are trying to get across have certainly taken all the enjoyment out of "bond" films.

Bring back Sean Connery and the fun gadgets. bring back the fantasy.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:57 PM
I guess many will think that Bond was better when they were slamming Russia, or Dr Evil.

I'm looking forward to watching the film. I won't be able to see it this weekend, but hopefully soon. Maybe we will get some other reviews.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:55 AM
I always laugh when I see some media outlet slamming something they don't like... it's like they've all forgotten the golden rule... bad publicity is still publicity.

There have been so many controversial movies in the past (not assuming james bond is controversial though), and every time, the media slams them, they always end up getting huge audiences lining up to see the movie... simply because it was slammed by the media.

Way to go MSM... proving once again, you have no idea what your audience thinks.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
I guess many will think that Bond was better when they were slamming Russia, or Dr Evil.

I think that's one of the issues underneath this.It was all right to make foreigners - as either individuals or governments - into villains but the American establishment - and let's face it, Big Business has been a bedfellow for American government for a long time* and so are establishment - is perhaps too uncomfortable a villain.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more of this in the future. As Hollywood has dominated the film industry for decades, due in part to America being dominant on the world stage generally, it's tended to reflect the idea of America being the hero, the good guy, the saviour. However, with the world stage changing at the moment and America's Marlboro-stained grip on the world slipping, I think America might have to get used to the idea that there's going to be more 'villainising' of America in films like these.

The films have never really been my cup of metaphorical tea, they've always seemed very much 'boys and their toys' kind of films. A lot of the things that made the Bond character interesting seem to be bleached out of the films.

*before an American starts crying and loading his rifle, yes, it's the same in the UK too.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:34 AM
Well, I managed to catch a showing last night, and I thought it was an excellent movie, and claims that Bond is not an action series are made by clueless people. The action is as good as the Borne movies, actually better, as it was in the last Bond movie. Too much close cam though. The close cam technique was interesting in the first Borne movie, but has gotten old by now. In limited form it can be pretty interesting, but when used too much just creates confusion. That would be my biggest criticism of the movie. Secondly, Bond should have got some action from the super hot female Olga Kurylenko at the end, as per tradition. Some traditions should not be broken.

I think the biggest criticisms are coming from big media because this movie takes a direct attack against IC's and it's about time. This paragraph might be a spoiler, so I thought I should make an alert, but the subject has been brought up in other reviews, and I promise not to give any details. The biggest shot at the establishment suggests that some of these supposed environmentalist organizations have become nothing but fronts for IC's with agendas just the opposite of those being claimed. This is one to PO the liberal elites as well as the neocons. It has been my suspicion for about ten years now that a lot of the big enviromental groups have been infiltrated by big money, and are no longer serving the purposes for which they were supposedly started.

I think paying attention to these types of subtle attempts by big media to supress certain groups that put out opinions that are against their concerns are important to note. They think this stuff goes un-noticed, but to me it raises a red flag.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:36 AM
Well, I managed to catch a showing last night, and I thought it was an excellent movie, and claims that Bond is not an action series are made by clueless people. The action is as good as the Borne movies, actually better, as it was in the last Bond movie. Too much close cam though. The close cam technique was interesting in the first Borne movie, but has gotten old by now. In limited form it can be pretty interesting, but when used too much just creates confusion. That would be my biggest criticism of the movie. Secondly, Bond should have got some action from the super hot female Olga Kurylenko at the end, as per tradition. Some traditions should not be broken.

I think the biggest criticisms are coming from big media because this movie takes a direct attack against IC's and it's about time. This paragraph might be a spoiler, so I thought I should make an alert, but the subject has been brought up in other reviews, and I promise not to give any details. The biggest shot at the establishment suggests that some of these supposed environmentalist organizations have become nothing but fronts for IC's with agendas just the opposite of those being claimed. This is one to PO the liberal elites as well as the neocons. It has been my suspicion for about ten years now that a lot of the big enviromental groups have been infiltrated by big money, and are no longer serving the purposes for which they were supposedly started.

I think paying attention to these types of subtle attempts by big media to supress certain groups that put out opinions that are against their concerns are important to note. They think this stuff goes un-noticed, but to me it raises a red flag.

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