posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:22 PM
I wasn't going to resurrect a topic that was made 6 years ago, but I see it went beyond the year of it's creation.
Christians, why speak about something that you have absolutely no clue about? Most of you have no idea what it's like to live as a homosexual, much
less be a Christian at the same time.
You see, I went through this song and dance starting back to when I was a kid. I knew I liked guys when I was as young as around 6 years old. I was
also sexually active at a young age as well. To my knowledge, I was never molested nor have I went through any other types of trauma.
Throughout my life, I have tried fighting against the "urges" and I viewed my feelings as something to hate. It is what I was taught, after all. At
some point, I even found a website that was partly for the rehabilitation of being homosexual. Guess what? It didn't work.
Around this time, I developed a great friendship with a guy younger than me who was also gay, and I attempted to help him and give him advice on how
to avoid the "sin" of masturbation. Guess what? It was very short lived if he had any relief at all. Eventually, nothing helped him and he started
developing side effects as a result, including mood swings. Nothing I told him at that point helped, so what else was I supposed to do other than to
tell him to do what he felt he had to do?
Should I have told him to keep resisting, the Devil will flee? Why are we to assume these feelings were from Satan? What evidence is there for that?
One thing was for sure, nothing fled.
This circumstance is what really made me rethink my beliefs on this matter and so I studied. Through this study, I learned what the Gospel truly is,
and it isn't attempting to live a perfect life with little sin. I also learned that homosexuals ("practicing" or not) are not exempt from this
To think, that so many Christians are putting restrictions on who can and cant be saved is insulting. You say homosexuals can be saved, but a
prerequisite is that they forsake their sexuality. Guess what? That isn't going to happen as it is an impossibility for the vast majority. Not only
that, but forsaking sins has NEVER been a prerequisite of being saved.
When I was a bit younger, I prayed and prayed for my urges to leave. There are many occasions where I was miserable. I've had prayers answered
before, mind you. In quite unexpected ways. However, this one was never granted, why?
Eventually, I ended up accepting my sexuality instead of treating it like some disease that needs curing. And you know what? I feel better than I ever
did. Of course, you self righteous hypocrites will say that i've just given into sin or whatever the hell. But I dont really care what you think on
the matter. I used to be like you, though a bit more understanding; I did hold the same beliefs. Nothing you say to me will be a revelation.
One of you said "Following Jesus is very difficult"
No, it isn't. Following the rules most Christians make up is very difficult. The fact you say that flies in the face of the message Jesus was
spreading. People that would dare heap burdens on others related to the Gospel are cursed, you know that, right?
You load burdens on others and dont care about their problems really. Your type is exactly who Jesus despised the most. The Pharisees? Yeah, that
mindset hasn't died out. Many Christians today are a type of Pharisee. All you do is go around and try to make yourself seem oh so good and
righteous, while you make it so hard for others to even listen to any Gospel.
You may say you're just like everyone else regarding sin, but do you really think that? Or do you only say that to save face? Actions speak
louder than words. If you were like everyone else, you would shut up about the sins of others and worry about your own. I know you types hate to hear
that, and you've probably heard it many times, but you need to heed it.
Oh and please spare us those lame stories of "Ex-Gay" people. Those aren't real, they are fooling themselves. Even if some of those were worth
noting, it is irrelevant as everyone is different. What works for one doesn't work for another.
And I dont know about you, but I could never live as a Eunuch, thank you very much. The fact so many Christians are so selfish speaks volumes.
And I hate it when you speak such trash like...
"Homosexuality in and of itself isn't immoral, the act is." or "We dont hate the sinner, we hate the sin."
Why dont you just come out and say that homosexuality IS immoral and that you hate homosexuals?
The first statement is pure nonsense. How is homosexuality fine, but the act isn't? How in the living hell do you separate the two? Homosexuality
IMPLIES the act.
The second statement is bullcrap as well. The so-called "sin" that you hate cannot be separated from the person, so by association, you hate the
By your logic, the sin of homosexuality is just as bad as the sin of murder as well, right? Okay, well, would you dine with Jack the Ripper? Adolph
Hitler? Vlad the Impaler? Elizabeth Bathory? Any of these?
Most people dont like these people, correct? Why? Because they were all murderers and most of them quite psychotic. So, if homosexuality is just as
much a sin as murder or anything else, you must have some amount of disdain for homosexuals as well. Just as you cannot separate murder from those
people I listed, you cannot separate homosexuality from a homosexual.
Sadly, unless some of you are homosexuals yourselves, I dont think you'll ever understand.