posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:55 PM
Just FYI, this is a forum to discuss conspiracies surrounding supposed secret societies - its not here to recruit people for anything. If your
interested in joining freemasonry and want to talk about it, I would strongly recommend a freemasonry forum, just google "freemason forum" and
you'll find them by the dozens.
But just so you know, you join by asking - despite what you may read, there isn't much inviting going on (in fact there is almost none, although
everyone likes to claim they have been "invited"). Having masons in the family doesn't matter for purposes of your petition. Just make sure your
over 18, believe in a supreme being, and don't have anything negative that would show up in a criminal background check.
There is no regular and mainstream "masons for women" - freemasonry is a male fraternity. There is the Order of the Eastern Star, which admits
women, which I assume you must also ask to join.