posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 08:30 AM
Ok listening to Alex Jones on winamp shoutcast radio, he stated things about how the ruling elite (NWO) (Well was either him or his friend whos
currently I think still talking on it), but anyway they are stating the ruling elite believes that the strong will prosper while, the weak will perish
(Which are us humans, being the weak ones, and the elite being the strong).
They supposedly have a DNA database somewhere (3 or so of them, arks of sort).
Anyway so if there was a destructive presence that intends to destroy/enslave/etc humanoids, what would aliens do about it?
*END of any of what I 'think' I heard from Alex Jones on the Winamp shoutcast*
Would any try to stop them, or are we really some kind of 'accidental', genetically manipulated race that in a way, if your the creator of
something, you have the right to destroy them. Just like how humans think they have the right to destroy rats, and other critters in the name of
science and whatever else.
Economies are seemingly failing around the world and people are tense, unsure yet cannot really do anything about it. If humans created a slave race
from a different species such as chimpanzees in order to do their slave work, work til they die and etc.. Would aliens intervene to save these slaves?
(No Alex jones didn't say any of this past the * part).
But if this was the case then we are in a way doomed. If we are just a manipulated race and with the media control there is today, there is not much
hope of us to be able to fight back without disabling the media at least.
Its quite unfortunate that there is no actual real footage of the ruling elite, and it seems all video/camera footage is all grainy and even still it
seems like that any footage ever that might occur, will magically get destroyed maybe.
Another thing, is the huge fact that all these new diseases and or afflictions are seeming exploding into the population. Autism for example was a 1
out of 125,000 or so occurrence... yet now its a 1 in 125 or so. (Not exact details, I cannot remember them).
Anyway ill end this post at here, and wait for peoples replies. No use me typing out a huge post without at least some comment from what ive typed so
far. These are just some of my thoughts.
[edit on 13-11-2008 by Aoxoa]