posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:15 AM
So much for this bailout, after looseing my last job and house and forced to live with a friend, I'm now in the same situation...
No job to speak of, unless I go back to the military. I dont have the time for college while looking for a new job. My bank account is now gone and
all 4 credit cards I have are over due and over limit..
When will they help? I have to say, more then likely never. Why would the gov. feel any sympathy for anyone in this day and age.
I know this might be off topic and construed as whining, but I just have to ask...where is the promises made to us? To help the people of america get
out of debt, to keep their homes...where is it?
Well, me and others like me are the example, those promises are empty and help doesn't seem to be on the way.