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Pennsylvania teacher's aide told students Obama would be shot

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:18 AM

The mother of a sixteen-year-old student in the Allison Park suburb of Pittsburgh was shocked when her daughter repeated disparaging remarks made about Barack Obama by a teacher's aide at her vocational high school.

"One of the teacher's aides ... said that Obama was going to be shot and killed," Mara Gilligan told KDKA News. "And that our flag is going to be the KFC [Kentucky Fried Chicken] flag and that the new national anthem will be 'Moving On Up' -- and that all my daughter's beliefs were wrong and her children's lives were going to be ruined because Obama was elected."

Gilligan, who is white, said that her biracial daughter took the comments personally. "Being biracial, she was overjoyed that someone of color was elected, and she was so happy and excited to come to school. And for this teacher to yell these things at her and her fellow classmates was just unbelievable."

A teacher at the A.W. Beattie Career Center who overheard the comments filed a complaint with the principal, and Gilligan has since received an email from the administrative director saying the aide would be suspended and disciplined. However, the school would not comment to KDKA on the story.


Original News Story From Pennsylvania

See this is what worries me ... american's need to grow up and stop living in the past ... one thing i worry about is i know that this person is not the only one who thinks this ... i hope the fear for his life from all the racist's won't effect the way Obama runs the country...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:23 AM
Anddddd she's fired right?
Please tell me they fired her...
Obviously that wont change the problem, but I still hope they nail her.
Ignorance like this, if it can't be stopped, wipe it out...(As in take her out of a position where she's able to influence children)...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by silo13

just suspended until further noticed ... i don't know if they will get fired even though this is a very heinous thing to do ... it just goes to the fact that

Two organizations which have been described as explicitly racist appear to be located in Allison Park, where the incident occurred -- the American National Union, which has its mailing address there, and a chapter of the Citizens Councils of America.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:32 AM
I have to agree. The aide needs to be fired and perhaps have notice sent to any future schools she applies to that she has behaved like this in front of students. When are teachers and teacher's aides going to learn that while they are at work, they need to leave their personal thoughts on politics and politicians at the door? I mean seriously, what is wrong with these people? (By these people I mean the teachers/aides telling students what to believe when it comes to politics.)

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Here in England my history teacher tells us she thinks Obama is going to be assassinated. Not exactly in the same boat but I just thought I'd mention it.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:52 AM
Your right we are going to have to stop these people from using their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech..........they should have it put in their file so it can be checked for the rest of their life.

If Obama becomes President maybe he can make sure no one talks out of turn........just what we need.......another deceider.......

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:02 PM
I do hope this aide gets the axe. I can understand someone saying they think Obama will be assassinated, but in this situation it is inappropriate. The line about flying a KFC flag is just damn deplorable in a school setting. Save the racism for idiots that agree with you. I keep hearing more and more stories about teachers spouting with their political beliefs and belittling any kid that disagrees.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by omega007

If someone came up to your kid and said, "God is dead; Paganism is awesome; All the cool kids are having buttsecks with adults!" would you freak out?

My bet is on yes.


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