posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:35 PM
Originally posted by KotetsuRein
To see this truth, infuriates me, and horifies me. I know that what I did, was again, in support of the men in power.
I'm not even sure what my life means any more, Al Qaeda, a computer database? My God! What have we done?
That may be perhaps the most profound question we as humans, especially americans, need to ponder... this is the result of the state of ignorance that
entertains and enslaves nearly 6 billion on this planet.
In fact, the magnitude of whats been done and the events which have been set in motion are only beginning to be seen that are beyond comprehension and
unfortunately cannot be stopped now. Its too late.
Many were screaming and yelling trying to warn Americans to wake up and THINK carefully before attacking or supporting its nations war machine and
plans to attack Iraq that would begin this lie called the WAR on Terror. The same people are again warning to be very careful about IRAN as such a
war can only lead to a nuclear conflict of unimaginable horrors for mankind. Israel is poised to attack Iran, and of course the US "defends"
Israel. GOD HELP US IF THIS OCCURS. 9/11 was the catalyst.
Seers such as cayce, nostradamus, and even the hopi, or mayans etc... have warned of a world in which we're creating and heading into right now.
The darkest period in human history is about to begin thanks to 9/11 and those who continue to keep the truth of it hidden which also steers those
seeking this truth away. ie THROAT YOGURT, JTHOMAS and several others, who will be just as guilty in the future when those responsible for 9/11
including the media and US officials who assisted or did NOTHING, are hunted down and held accountable.