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Astral Projection experiences

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posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 03:39 PM
I'm really becoming interested in Astral Projection, I haven't been able to do it yet, but it takes time.

I hought it might be cool to hear about some others experiences with AP so if ya gots a cool story, feel free to tell it.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 03:41 PM
Nope! Not here. You may want to u2u zerodeep if he is even still around.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 04:51 PM
I dont know how to do it or how to train it, so I cant give you any advice.. Sorry..

I do, however, have one AP experience that stands out.

I was about 6, and was at my daycare while my mom was at work. I had been having a particularly rough day, and wanted desperately to go home.

So when nap time came around, I imagined that there was a tower inside me, and inside it was a cauldron... and out of this cauldron, I imagined a spirit (assumingly mine) rising up and heading for the hole in the top of the tower. I remember feeling something pulling out of my chest, then falling asleep.

I kept imagining though.. And I saw the city speeding by underneath me as I searched out my mom. I saw her getting in her car, right outside of a particular delicatessen. In this "dream" I kept yelling "COME GET ME" . The dream ended, and I slept normally...

About halfway through our alotted "nap time" I was awoken by one of the caretakers. She said that my mom was here to get me. When I got in the car, I asked her why she came to get me, and she said that she was getting lunch and just felt like I needed her to come pick me up.

Thats my most "intense" experience with astral projection (although it might be more telepathic than anything)

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 05:01 PM
Just try googling "astral projection experiences" or even better "OBE experiences".

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 07:09 PM

I was going to have my friend stay the night after i saw him at a Football game. He also knew about Astral Projection so I thought "Hey, why not try it tonight?". I did, I got THISSSS close.
I had gotten to the farthest point ever, the shaking sensation.
This caught me off guard and it surprised me. ( Nt scared me.) I was completly conscience after that and had a huge grin on my face. I was pretty content after that.

Hope that helped!

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 11:13 PM
Some people can do it after a few tries others take longer. I suppose it matters how much chemicals you intake to your body and how clean your body is.. need to stay healthy for it to happen easier.

here's my experience...
i've been practicing since 2000 and a month or so later after going into trance every few nights i felt a really warm vibration, sorta like that 'sound' you hear when it's totally quiet. except this sound was louder and my whole body was buzzing, next thing i knew i got a sensation i was floating up out of my body, i must of gotten like a foot above my body but i got excited that i actually got out of it, which killed my relaxation and i felt myself fall back down, with an actually thud!, as if i was actually up off the bed and fell right back down on it. felt really real. i haven't been able to do that since though.

i have a lot of resources avaible on this subject if you want them.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by crispexi
Some people can do it after a few tries others take longer. I suppose it matters how much chemicals you intake to your body and how clean your body is.. need to stay healthy for it to happen easier.

here's my experience...
i've been practicing since 2000 and a month or so later after going into trance every few nights i felt a really warm vibration, sorta like that 'sound' you hear when it's totally quiet. except this sound was louder and my whole body was buzzing, next thing i knew i got a sensation i was floating up out of my body, i must of gotten like a foot above my body but i got excited that i actually got out of it, which killed my relaxation and i felt myself fall back down, with an actually thud!, as if i was actually up off the bed and fell right back down on it. felt really real. i haven't been able to do that since though.

i have a lot of resources avaible on this subject if you want them.

I'd love those sorces if you don't mind sharing

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 05:24 AM
This is also on my website in the Writings section, but here is my OBE experience (getting back into AP these days, been trying several techniques to no avail'd probably help if I didn't drink so much coffee):

"When I was in my late teens (and had a lot more time on my hands) I spent about a half hour a day practicing some deep relaxation techniques that I cobbled together from various sources. They were basically a kind of generic tool to reach that mind active/body dormant state that is alleged to aid in astral projection. I was doing this not only for the soothing effect it had on my overall state of adolescent angst, but to purposely achieve an OOBE. I was profoundly terrified of death and the possiblity of the cessation of my ALL IMPORTANT EGO. I felt that an OOBE would be proof that my consciousness could exist independantly of my body and thus would be evidence that I did indeed have something resembling a "soul" that would survive the extinction of my physical body. My intention was to have a projection from a state of waking consciousness as opposed to something that could be mistaken for a lucid dream.

I was unsuccessful in having a conscious OOBE, but I did have what I think may have been one while sleeping that seems to fit some of the basic patterns.

I lived for a while in the basement of a townhouse. The bathroom was on the third floor, so if I needed to use it I would have to climb two flights of stairs. About 4:00 A.M. one evening I woke up needing to use said facilities. I walked up the first flight of stairs, through the kitchen, the livingroom, and up the second flight of stairs. About midway up the second flight of stairs I stopped as I felt that something was not quite right about the apartment. The first thing I noticed was that I could see around the apartment quite well, but that I had not turned on any of the lights. This was a bit odd as the livingroom was usually pitch black at night. The second thing that struck me was that when I looked down at my feet I noticed that I was not actually touching the carpet on the stairs, but was "levitating" about 5 inches off the floor. I should note that up until this point my state of mind was that of someone who had just woken up in the middle of the night, kind of muddy and slightly disoriented but still well defined as wakeful. I snapped to full attention when I noticed that I was not making contact with the floor. I stood there for a while while the full import of what was occuring sunk in. I then recited my name, address, social security number, phone number, and zip code, looked at my hands, turning them over, making fists, etc., to try to verify that I was awake, I was. I then proceeded up the stairs as I still felt the need to use the bathroom (which, aside from being mildly amusing, strikes me as kind of strange) looking at my feet all the while. They were moving up and down in a fair duplication of climbing stairs but I was more or less floating up the stairs. I reached the bathroom and thought "you idiot, you can't use the bathroom!". So, rather than attempt an etheric pee I floated/walked back down the stairs to the living room.

At this point in time I was fully awake, my state of mind was just as clear as it is as I write this and the sensation of walking back down the stairs was no different then when I would walk down the stairs while awake. I stood for a while in the living room, just trying to observe my state of mind and thought "Well? So? What am I supposed to do now?". I felt both jubilant and somewhat stupid. I had spent almost a year working up to this and now that I had reached my goal I had no idea what to do. I started towards the door thinking that I might as well go outside and see what things were like out there. I stopped after a couple of steps (floats?!?) and thought "I suppose I can't actually open the door like this, can I?" So I went for the window instead, walking through a waist level piece of furniture on the way. I reached my left arm through the blinds and started on my upper torso and head, leaning forward. At this point I heard what can only be described as a very aggressive voice yelling the word "No!" in the middle of my skull. I then, without any discernable break in my awareness, sat up in bed.

I was fairly pleased with myself about this event although I had a slight twinge of regret that I did not explore things further in this state. After having read about people astral projecting to far off exotic places (Venus, France, Hoboken, whatever) I felt like I might have wasted an opportunity. I have had more of a sense of spiritual continuity since that experience, so I guess it has served some purpose, if only to alleviate some of the dread I felt when contemplating my mortality. I've not had an experience like this since then. I suppose if I devoted some time to the same sort of disciplines I might be able to have some more occurances of this nature, but I'm too distracted by worldly trivia.

I should also say that I am neither a fanatical believer or a skeptic in regards to paranormal matters. I am fascinated by such things but I try to stay grounded in the notion that people's subjective perceptions of what is out there may not have anything remotely to do with what really is out there...if there is anything out there at all.

Well, there it is...big thrill eh?"


posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 02:36 PM
Has anyone here got the "playing card in the other room" thing to work yet?

How long does it usually take you guys to get into the OBE state?

Have you ever had a conversation with anyone or anything while OBE'n? The reason I asked is I was wondering if you can fly up and meet the aliens etc...

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 05:24 PM

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 01:52 AM
The problem with astral projection is the physcial mind and the spiritual mind conflict with each other. The physical mind has a hard time understanding what is happening and what your trying to do. If you notice during the stages of meditation and that feeling of being cemented in place and in a paralyzed state, your body starts to get twitches and itches and overwhelming need to move. This is your phsyical mind creating these things. Once you learn to overcome that your very close to having a OBE. You then get a sudden shock or fear just as you start to pull away and you get what is called snap-back (that crashing back in your body feeling). Those are the 2 hardest things to overcome. You will also notice that it will take several OBE to stop the snap-back effect. Any sudden noise or movement will create the snap-back. Also looking at yourself will also cause a sudden snap-back, if your to close to your body it will snap you back in.

Also be in a warm comfortable position covered with a blanket. Your body tends to get cold and stiff after while and it will create a nap-back as well. while
This will help prolong your OBE experience if your warm and in a place where your not disturbed. Even distant loud noise from a passing car or train will abort it. So you got to be pretty secluded.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 03:04 PM
Yesterday I was trying to reach my guardian angel for the first time. I asked to speak to my guardian angel and waited about 15 minutes. Suddenly my body started to vibrate and my heart was pounding. The pounding and racing of my heart increased and it was going really fast. The vibrations got really intense. I didn't know what was going on! I thought this might be my angel entering the room? Or something bad interrupting my session? Or I was about to have an OOBE for the first time! While I let this go on for a minute then opened my eyes. I was getting really freaked out because I didnt know what was going on. I hate those vibrations, they were got really strong, has this ever happenned to anyone else?

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 03:21 PM
I hear vibrations are what start an OOBE. The OOBE comes after the vibrations. Of course, I've never had an OOBE so I might not be too helpful. What did these vibrations fell like?

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 06:58 PM
during the vibrations. The vibration is a sign that your body is asleep and your mind is awake, exactly what you need to roll out of the physical body.

Meditation and concentration on a place or person can get you to this state.

focus on staying "aware" as you fall asleep, and the moment you do if you are "aware" and concentrating on that which you wish to visit, you will be able to go there.
Sometimes you will instantly arrive there, or will be in a state condusive to getting there.

The vibrations at first usually wake you because they can feel as a slight tremor to a violent seizure. Try to induce the state in the method that worked for you, and you will become accustom to the sensation. Relax and allow it to happen. Sometimes this can be uncomfortable--like pins and needles

When you feel the vibration, try not to get excited, and begin trying to move your fingers. You may be able to "see" but many times I am "blind" until I get away from my physical body.

Try to sit up or use the roll out method ...
Test to see if you are in physical or astral by trying to fly. You can fly if you are in the astral. OBVIOUSLY, dont go to your second story window--simply walk away and "jump"
Goto for help from more experienced

Good luck in your journeys,

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:33 PM
Yes I can astral project also I've been learning for about 3 years now. If you need any help send me a message. Also a very good website where I learned is

I tried mystic web but I found the other site better and the forum members help out alot.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:45 PM
Well, I personally have not done it, but my grandma has told me stories (which she usually keeps a secret). Well, I fully believe my grandma, and seeing as she has never seen a 'conspiracy' website, is DEFINATELY not crazy, she is incredibly smart, etc..I believe her 100%. Now, she told me she used to do it all the time as a child, because her family wasn't a very happy one...she told me she used to sit up in her room, and then she would just seperate from her physical body. She said that she was only able to do it as a child (around 7 or 8 she told me) and that as she grew up, she thought she had imagined it, and lost faith in it. Now, about 64 years later, she can still remember the times.

She said that she remembers two times the most vividly. The first time she said she was just 'floating' over her body, and the second she was actually out in space, drifting and drifting through endlessness. She said that she did NOT feel any 'vibrations or shocks' and that she would sometimes be scared, so she would come of the 'astral' state.

That is all that she told me so far...(I had to leave), so if I learn anything more, I will tell you


posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:51 PM
It took me a small period of time, around four months to retrain my mind into not only believing that a person can astrally project, but to know that I have that ability, but that's another story.

For this post, however, I'll start with the first time I projected. I started by first doing relaxation meditation to calm my body, then reached gnosis to calm my mind. After that, I started to focus on drawing in energy from around me, and used that energy to propel myself out of my body. I felt myself rise up, straight up out of my physical body. The last part that I felt 'let go' was my left hand, as that happened, I realized what I had actually done and sat straight up, ending the experience. After doing that, I've astral projected many times because I found out the technique that works best for me.

I'd say the largest obstacles to astral projection are the mindset, not just believing, but knowing you can do it, and finding the technique that works for you. If you're looking for different methods, you may want to try searching the other threads around here, or possibly, as they have useful information about psionics that may help you with AP.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 12:57 AM

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