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Questions for Abductees...

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:37 AM
My personal history is that of an "experiencer". For me using the word "abductee" does not do justice nor does it explain what happens during or after "unexplainable" incidents.

I read abduction threads and try to wade through the threads that claim "alien" meeting and communication and I try to keep an open mind and relate as much as I can based on my own experiences.

My questions to you are based on my own actions and exploration into TRYING to find out what happened.

Please answer truthfully and briefly describe why you did or did not. I'll answer first.

When you realized you were being abducted did you:

Seek medical attention?

Yes...a hole in a navel is a strange occurrence and it was deep enough it really should have hurt like heck when it happened but I did not wake up to it happening, I found it afterward. Doctor's suggestion? Not really sure, not a scratch, no other marks...possibly an insect bite.

Missing time gauged to be good, no sleep disturbances or waking through out night, no sleep walking, no drugs or alcohol....possibly fell asleep (standing up and in the middle of vacuuming the apartment?)

More recently I mentioned to my doctor I believed in Aliens and wondered if I'd ever been "borrowed". My Doctor is awesome and I've known her for years. I got a pause, a head tilt, and a "Well no one really knows for sure...did you get video?"

She also talked to me about sleep problems that MAY cause the "abduction" feelings and gave me some more ideas to research. Sleep paralysis, apnea, sleep deprivation, allergies....

See a psychiatrist or Psychologist?

Well yes I did. Did you know that even professing to have potentially been *cringe* abducted...does NOT automatically make you looney...I KNOW EH? Truth is I had other issues happening in my life and needed to be addressed - I answered all of the questions (a lot of questions) honestly. Diagnosis: Panic and Anxiety w/Agoraphobia, Germ phobia, Bridge Phobia...various other phobias, and Dysthemia. Not schizo, no dissociative disorders, not insane or sociopathic or pathological tenancies and well rooted and rounded by reality...just overly sensitive to environment basically.

I had also discussed with my shrink - the aura thing...we tested it she was my subject. Then we tested her supervisor...I passed both. (see old threads of mine for detail) So it was unexplained at that time. They didn't know what could cause it or why.

See an optometrist?

Well, eye strain can cause someone to have unusual distortions in their vision, floaters, cataracts, cancers, nerve damage, sinus issues....the list is huge... I was seeing a weird Aura for most of 20's and into my late 30's. I first had my eyes checked...I have an astigmatism in the left eye and my right eye is 20/20. I do have floaters and I can see those clearly...but they are not the light cast around people. The eye doctor suggested it may be nerve damage...and that sounded great! Sadly I did not have any head injuries, ear injuries or sinus injuries, no serious viruses and never any optical trouble aside from the caste light around living things. I couldn't get a cat scan or hell I woulda.

I did have a face Xray for a sinus cold shortly after that and no anomalies were seen anywhere in the optic region (note that Xray cannot detect blood carrying vessels, muscle or nerve - no soft tissues really) so there may have been something there...

I still have no explanation for it. though very happily it does not happen unless I consciously choose it now...I think therapy helped a lot...I really didn't feel that i had much control of my life...when my mind got healthier I found I could control it and ceased to happen ALL the time...and now only if I concentrate on it.

Seek out SCIENTIFIC explanations?

Yes...sort of at the same time I was researching the non-scientific explanations. I actually preferred the more scientific approach to explaining the experiences however while it provided great examples I found it still didn't fit neatly. There is so much we still don't know about the human brain and the human experience...can I really rule out science and opt for a non scientific explanation? I still question many of the experiences but I seek out new theories that may add up.

****If you haven't done any of the above... why? that is my main question...WHY wouldn't you want to find out if maybe it could be something "mental" or "medical"?

Is it fear of being thought of as crazy?
Is it the fear of truth?
Is it inability to see a doctor or an optometrist?

I think the same thing when I read a good majority of these can you make claims when you have not even honestly explored the scientific possibilities?

The way some people approach it happened don't question me. Don't ask if I am sane. Don't ask if I have eye really irritates me that people would not want to FULLY explore what has happened to them.

I went through the gamut, I took risks in talking about it, I was honest with myself and the people that were around to help me if was injured (mentally or medically) because my health is important. it also solidified a few experiences for me because science can hint at a possible explanation but can't explain it completely...

What are abductees so afraid of? I'd be more damn afraid of aliens personally than my family doctor.

Do your research on depth and brutally honest. Then come back and talk about your experiences with FULL knowledge that at least the mental and physical biological parts of you have been tended to. It lends far more credence to a "story" in my book and I have had a lot of things happen that many of you also claim...

Tangent over...I would really love some honest answers from the other "abductees"/"experiencers".

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by justgeneric

Yes, I've done the whole gamut, it could almost be a simple "ditto" of your answers. We all go through the phase of needing to verify if it's a mental problem, but keep in mind that it is a very personal thing to share on a public forum.

I even went one step further than you did, though you tried when you asked for the catscan. I had my MRIs examined by Dr. Kit Green. Springer introduced us and the Dr. found absolutely no abnormalties, no indication of frontal lobe or any other kind of problem. We also had a couple of sessions via phone.

His final assessment after all that was that I was normal but that sometimes normal people have "moments" and then are fine again. I looked up the disorder (can't recall the name right now) and it was clear that most sufferers of this have disjointed hallucinations that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. experiences were sometimes separated by years and yet the content and the context were logical and did not fit the definition at all. What it comes down to is this: if I ever want to be believed (at this point I'm beginning to not care) I need to get solid tangible proof.

All the best to you,


[edit on 11/12/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:26 AM
Hi seentoomuch!

Thank you! I am so glad some of us DO explore closer to home as it were. it's actually validating when it's all said and done. I envy your MRI...without a legitimate ailment I'd never get one here though I'd definitely be game.

I agree that I no longer really mind if others question my experiences...I know I've gone through all I can at my disposal to identify possible causes.

I don't know why it would be too personal for the forums based on some of the things people are willing to give details on...having admitted to seeing a shrink pales to many of them.

Thanks for your response it is appreciated

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