posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:39 PM
Analyst: California faces $28 billion deficit
California's budget deficit will grow to $28 billion through June 2010 unless lawmakers take bold action, possibly including a hike in the state
income tax, the Legislature's nonpartisan analyst said Tuesday.
California is in a bit of a pinch.
How is the state going to increase taxes on a sagging economy? California is already one of the highest taxed states in the union and business is
already fleeing.
How will the state cut spending? The voters love the bond measures and vote them in year after year. California democracy tends to vote money and
spending for itself, at least it thinks it does.
What is going to get the axe in California? The unions are super powerful and cutting education, police/fire, or other state worker groups is
political suicide and therefore impossible in California politics.
The s--t is hitting the fan once again in the golden state. With the current economic crisis, it is a big piece.