posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 09:21 PM
Ok, let me start off by saying that I am in no way a prophet nor can I see the future. This is not the first time that I have been a member of this
site. In 2012 the big thing was the Mayan Calendar ending. I knew that wasn't going to occur. I knew that wasn't the way it's going to happen. I also
told ppl on this site and face to face, including family and friends. But there was apparently a lot of disregard for the things I had told them.
Which was ok at the time because they still had time to find the Lord. You see I knew the things they said would happen in 2012 wouldn't happen. So
that's when I figured I would tell what I felt in my heart would be what actually would happen. I said there would be an increase in meteors or as
some ppl like to refer to them as fireballs. Also I said there would be an increase in natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornados, floods, and volcanos.
Also an increase in U.F.O phenomenon. As well as an increase in terrorist activity. Such as attacks and kidnappings. As well as the kidnapping and
beheadings of Christians and others like soldiers and journalist. You can include their own ppl in that. There is a ton of other things going on as
well. Genocide and famine are a couple. And at that time none of these things were happening on a major scale. It was not until some time later that
these things started to really explode and everyone started to take notice and the mainstream media started to cover these things. YouTubers like
Jason A. and Angel of Apocalypse started to put compilations of these events together. All of things are not happening because of climate change. They
are not happening just because the terrorist are bad ppl. Nations are not rising against Nations or Kingdoms against Kingdoms just because they can. I
am telling whoever is reading this that this is no conspiracy theory nor is it just an opinion. You and everyone else can see these things happening,
that they are real. Unless you are blind. I am going to tell you that all the things going on in this world is because of sin. Sexual sin, violence
sin, hate sin, deceitful sin. Every commandment of the Ten Commandments is being broke. All the things He tells us in the Bible that is sinful and an
abomination to Him is being committed. He will not let these things continue. The problem is that ppl do not care. They are committing evil acts
against God and they just don't care. I mean I'm no saint and I too sin. But I do not do evil things. There is a big difference. And what these ppl
are doing is bringing judgement to us all. But they just continue like it's no big deal. Like they don't care that they are going to burn in a lake of
fire and brimstone for eternity. We are on the brink of something that will end all of the sin and abomination. All the evil in the world. The
violence and all the deceitfulness. Satan will turn every last one of us against one another if he can. He is trying to do just that. And not to give
him any credit, but he's doing a pretty good job of it. Making ppl chop other ppls heads off and dropping bombs on infants and small children. There
are too many of these ppl. So this world is not going to change. So yes it will come to an end and it will be terrible and horrifying. But do not
fear, Jesus is going to defeat the evil that brings all these things against us. Just know that the end is near and we really don't have much time.