posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:07 PM
You see, I found this bench, this "special" bench, just where a bench
should be actually, in the park, on a small hill overlooking our small town.
On the right side of the bench a creek flows down into the river that cuts
through our small town, and on the left side trees with multi-colored leaves
stand fast, as if providing a shelter for whoever might partake of the
bench's offering. A small, paved walkway leads right up to the bench, and
then curiously it stops, going nowhere else, as if implying that this reststop
merits your serious consideration.
It's Autumn you know. A brisk but gentle wind blows leaves off of the trees
and tosses them here and there, even into piles. Yellow, red, and brown
here, orange, red, and brown there. Can you smell Autumn ? It's like no
other time of the year.
I'm walking up to "the bench" now. Funny . . .I feel it's been expecting me.
Slowly I sit down on its soft wood, pulling my coat tightly around me to
keep out what chill there is. I raise my head and now I can see out over
every part of our small town, the farms, the businesses, the families, the
people. My people. Your people. Our people.
I'm beginning to feel good, like before. You see my friend, I've been here
before. I always arrive spiritually weary. But this bench, this bench, makes
me feel spiritually whole again when I get up to leave. Sitting here, I
visualize how I want things to be over the Thanksgiving holiday, the hope
for family unity, the longings of loved ones to be fulfilled, the world at a
peaceful time-out. And of course, the abundant and delicious food, and the
heat emanating from the fireplace.
But I'm not going to dwell on my personal wishes right now. I'll come back
later with those. But I'd like to hear your thoughts and wishes for this
Thanksgiving. Come over here and sit down on this bench my friend. I'll
get up and go for a stroll, so you can be by yourself. Comfortable isn't it ?
Does it feel a little magical, sitting here ? You know, some say this bench
grants wishes, making them come true. Wouldn't that be something ?
So, what's on "your" mind ? Go ahead, there's nobody else around. Just
you and the bench. See you in awhile. Was that a snowflake just now ?