posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Isn't this price gouging, If it was a hurricane and you sold water to people like this they would arrest you. Why can they do this and why isn't
some arrested like the people selling water.
I am looking to people here that may know the law on this, this seems like one of those things, that is like cigarettes, where the law doesn't
pertain to people.
OR is it because we buy all our oil on the stock market ( not sure if we do, but we know stocks go up and down because of news).
There has to be a law!!
and please I would really like to know the reason, not just "cause the illuminati rule the oil business" or something. There has to be actual laws
that allow this
I got this because of the Texas Oil explosion listed in the ASTNN, the real story on the news said gas prices climbed shortly because of the news. No
fact just hey it might effect us, so just in case. When it doesnt effect us do we get our money back.. UGGGHHH Very Frustrating
[Edited on 31-3-2004 by ShiftTrio]