posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 09:41 PM
I think we all know where the elephant resides:
The Above Politics Forum.
The forum has been plagued as of late with insults, mudslinging, and outright lies. I feel, there is at least a partial solution to the problem, and
because of that, this post will be fairly short.
The biggest reason things get heated and people the conversation starts to degrade is because people are mixing in conspiracies with real political
talk. Now I am a fan of conspiracies, and while most of them may end up being untrue, if only once it is correct, then it is all worth it.
However, there exists a forum already called "Political Conspiracies". Why is this forum not being harnessed as it could be? So many threads have
gotten out of control because people are expressing their theories as fact.
If these threads that are based off of speculation were dumped into the Political Conspiracy forums, it would open up the rest of the categories to
have real politics discussed.
Now, clearly, this would cut traffic immensely for the rest of the political forums, however, it would also improve the quality. Also, and most
importantly, members would hopefully take speculative posts with a grain of salt knowing that they are in the proper forum.
So, it's just an idea, but I hope it is considered, because that forum is a mess.
[edit on 10-11-2008 by Irish M1ck]