posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:34 AM
That's a very good definition and article that's about executive orders.
Bush used them like no President before, well maybe kinda like FDR and what he did to the Japanese living here.
But the only way to overturn some of the executive orders Bush has done is for another president to do a executive order.
I think the number is a little closer to Reagans, for the simple fact that Bush has either hidden or outright denied people from knowing what was in
an executive order.
Plus the line-item veto can be seen as an executive order itself, you know like when Bush signed the thing saying we wouldn't torture then wrote a
note on the bottom saying we would torture and signed it anyway.
Or the tax code that was thrown away recently in when everyone was freaking out and worried about the Bailout, they revoked a tax code that said you
can't get a tax break for buying up smaller companies. Probably why all those banks went ahead and did that.