posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 08:54 PM
The police jail to the county jail to the court and then to the state or federal prison wise way is what I'm yet getting at! You wonder what the
actual awakening is? It is going into captivity after captivity. What is the reason? You bare the MARK so remote you can not remove it. What mark?
Look at it spelled in a mirror, and it is: Karm!
The m-ark in mark and the k-arm in karm you should know what such indicates against you.
For your conspirings against the earth and the earthlings a back fire is drawn up through money and power, concerning THE TRUE ART OF WAR.
No man goes into captivity, except if they are yet a beast remanent or a false person. They know their names drag on 'em. How can you escape your
name, specially when your name has involvement more when excluded?
"Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience
and the faith of the saints."
^^Ideally, the ideal dwellers get such literally. But the literal dwellers get such some sense not the just ideal way.
Sure you would act when facing years. Who would not?! Sure you wouldnt turn yourselves in either. Who would?! But and if that evil servant say in his
heart: "My confinement delay its coming". That evil servant shall get carried or even raptured into confinement. Then the thugs will cry the fakest
before their judge.
Any questions concerning the implications only, my unprofitable servants? And how do you, I name not here, spend your time with all those loose
ends hanging over your heads as wormhole snares and Chinese fingercuffs?
Two types getting 60 years for some B.S. which only went against them (the army of me which lives your very soul requirement). When your mouth is
opened, we true earthlings say, "Is there a soul in there?"