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Advice on an understanding of mine.

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 05:17 PM
Hello my name is Foxstriker, been a member since 03, and earlier, but under another name.

I guess I should get back to my ramblings.

I used to come to ATS back in the day because I felt like my opinion mattered, and in some instances it probably did, but a while ago I came to the realization that maybe it was a waste of time. Not because of the worth while discussions and the posts of information, but because of the flaws in the very people that I had come to admire that had the capability of saving the world from ignorance.

I came to this conclusion not very easily, but through research of posts and what have you, It always came down to sadly enough *the very area I'm posting on* the gray area. No matter what answer I came up with or they did, there was never any comprisises never an answer, it was a sad truth that we are the bi product of the machine that intend us to be such a bi product. We are suppost to be the voice of reason, understanding and logic, but in retrospect if we do have such talents, it means we also have the qualities of the opposite, strong beliefs in logic equate to being hard headed, and denying truth when it hits us in the face because the answer is not logical. An outstanding talent for understanding of what it is to reason with our fellow man means nothing if the other person can't be reasoned with.

I found that what really controls the world is not what can be seen but what only an epiphany can bring, for a small moment in time like an opening in the very fabric of space can this truth be seen, then it closes on us before we even have a chance to react to it.

I saw during this small truth that government although run by many a human, is a living organism, it breaths the very essence of what it is to be human, and although we are a species based on individual thinking, we trully are a hive mind, we are all connected to each other through communication and sub communication, the many people we talk to for different opinions are the very same thoughts of this symbiotic hive mind.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, are we actually such a hive mind in which we are all connected yet deny such things do the fact that we have logic and reason capable of different thought at the same time *just like our brain* or is it that we are self destructive individuals in which although we have people we can talk, we really are trully alone.

I ask this question more for the fact that I have not come up with a strong viable answer

[edit on 11/9/2008 by FoxStriker]

[edit on 11/10/2008 by FoxStriker]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 06:07 PM

and although we are a species based on
individual thinking, we trully are a hive mind,

...I would suggest that this is "accurate" whether or not it's really "true." Words fail here. Think of it this way: each and every water molecule in an ocean wave is its own distinct entity, and has its own distinct position and momentum. And yet, the motion of the wave itself is very much describable and consistent as its own phenomenon regardless of what individual water molecules are doing.

Whether or not there's a "collective consciousness" or an "akashic record" and whether or not humans are really spiritually "one" or anything of that sort...the fact remains that "humanity" can and does behave as a single entity.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, are we actually such a hive mind in which we are all connected yet deny such things do the fact that we have logic and reason capable of different thought at the same time *just like our brain* or is it that we are self destructive individuals in which although we have people we can talk, we really are trully alone.

I'm sorry, but I really don't understand the question. Again, whether or not we're really a "hive mind," any and ALL groups of anything, be they water molecules, grains of sand, racial groups, religious groups, entire species, human or otherwise...any "group" composed of individuals is still describable on the basis of "the whole."

In the wave example above, you'll notice that it's quite possible for the flow of water that composes a wave to actually be traveling in a different direction than the wave itself. So too is it possible for individuals within a group to behave either in agreement, disagreement, neutrality or irrelevance to other members of the group. Again, doesn't matter if we're talking about people or not. If I drop a thousand pounds of sand on your head, it doesn't matter if two or three of thouse pounds are traveling sideways and away from you entirely. It's still fair to say that "the sand fell on your head."

Yes, humans may be individuals. But "humans" is one distinct thing.

And yes, this can be frustrating if you're a water molecule traveling in a direction different from the rest off the wave.

[edit on 9-11-2008 by LordBucket]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by FoxStriker
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, are we actually such a hive mind in which we are all connected yet deny such things do the fact that we have logic and reason capable of different thought at the same time *just like our brain* or is it that we are self destructive individuals in which although we have people we can talk, we really are trully alone.

I would say that many of us can see the interconnectedness of humanity. They say we are all one, but where is the logic in this? How are we all one? This is the stumbling block for those who cannot accept it; they simply can't see how it is so.
Those who do not accept it are disconnected(or at least feel like it). They think they are different some how. They are the ones who feel alone.
In all however, both views are correct...we are all one, yet we still retain our individuality.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by FoxStriker

I equate it to the fact we are all messages in a bottle floating around in a sea of perpetual fear and questions, hoping that someone will feel the same way we do about the subject we hold within.

But, who knows..

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:35 AM
Lordbucket, thank you for your response, thank you all.

My question in itself I don't think was a fair question because we really do find ourselves on both side of the spectrum.

I do believe that the answer lies in an understanding of quantum physics, but thats going off subject.

Thats why I don't stop by ATS anymore, actually for quite a bit of time now... I think you get to the point where all answer lie in gray areas and nothing is black or white anymore, I guess you could say that no answer I ever received was right.... it just was as it was suppost to be, just an answer, that when the epiphany hit me....

There is no right answer, just an answer.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:47 PM
i just wanted to say that man is a social species very much like rats and many other animals, i believe we are capable of a hive mind because from my experiances we can sumtimes hear things other ppl are thinking if we are open to it, i kno i can, i follow austin osman spares theory that we all have a hive subconciousness that holds all the knowledge of everyones past lives, abilitys, and truths are buried deep inside this collective subconscious. this is the reason we have psychics, they are just ppl who have a better connection to the mind channel, my mother and many ppl ive met on ats have started to hear things when they are half asleep, voices of ppl conversating, i believe this is the mind channel, me and my mother as wel as a few of my closest friends can carry out full conversations without ever saying a word. i believe on a subconscious lvl we kno this and consciously we feel disconnected so in our attempts to connect with one another we are really trying to reconnect ourselves to the mind channel. if sumbody is left alone for far too long they start to lose it, loneliness can lead to insanity. one case like this is with deigoos(im not sure how to spell the name of this australian pet(day-goos)) when u buy these pets u must buy 2 of them, they need interaction or else they just give up on life altogether. if 1 dies the other will starve itself to death so it wont have to live lonely. humans are very much the same maybe not to this extreme but still share this mindframe. now im going to explan a bit of what i kno about the brain an its functions. their are 2 main sections in the brain, the left and right hemisphere( there are of course more to the brain but these 2 are my focus on this thread.) the left hemisphere controls logic emotion, and deductive reasoning. the right hemisphere controls instincts, foresight, and the mind channel. the mind functions best when sum1 uses a balance of both hemispheres. the problem is too many ppl ignore the functions of the right hemisphere altogether.(largely due to the way we are programmed by society and media) this can make it hard 4 sum1 who has ignored the right 4 a really long time to even kno how to listen to their right hemishere. this part of the brain is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. its control over insticts is our minds defense mechanism, we need to listen to this hemishere more with wats coming especially, we can no longer afford to ignore this hemisphere, once balance is reached between these hemispheres on a global scale this disconnectedness we often feel would no longer be an issue. because we would all be hooked into the mind channel. im sorry it got a lil off topic but i seen the end bit as useful in urs and everyones pondering of these things.

with love and light
myrddin zos

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:12 PM
nice epiphany FoxStriker

what is an answer?

Information is passed between 2 information networks creating knowledge. At it's base knowledge cannot be created unless there is a sender and a reciever, even if it is only internal within a single network.

An answer does not mean that the recipient accepts the information as truth, but simply weighs the information provided against their own set of information. From which either a positive, negative, or neutral acknowledgement is generated.

In this context an answer is simply a packet of information it has no meaning until it is received and analyzed.

From your perspective I would say you are an observer watching the packets being interchanged, while remaining neutral to the exchanges occurring.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by EldersCouncil]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:13 PM
Thanks for the additional answer, always good to get additional input with intellectual responses.


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