posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:44 AM
in the eventual comming of a one world goverment all classes will be erased and the current monitary system will be replace by a eutopian resorce
baced economy making everyone the same. How will this work you ask? it's easy, regulation, (at first, but soon it will not be needed) and then the
introduction of something that can unite all the people of the earth. Perhaps a great plauge, the discovery of extra terrestial beings, a end of days
world war? never the less the world as we know it will change. No more famin, no more war, no more diesie. Everyone working towards the betterment of
the plant and of man kind. Regional differences will be put a side as will raceism. So i ask you, is the for mentioned a place you can live in, or is
your regional/individual pride to big to be set a side for the betterment of all?