posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Our leaders DO have a responsibility to protect us from the bad things in this world, but I don't believe that their every move should be based on
chicken little style "the sky is falling" policies
[edit on 9-11-2008 by ashamedamerican]
Our so called leaders are really not ours. By know we should realize that time and time again our so called leaders are bought, dismissed as
radicals, killed, jailed or corrupted by all kind of agents, but mostly by corporate interest. Instead we have created the term politician, it is not
a leader.
The president is a Politician, who's main focus "should" be, to advance equality as a force; the tough part is that he should do it without
infringing too much in the "economy's fraternity" or in our Freedoms as a culture.
President Obama by himself will buckle time and time again against pressure to maintain the current status of the nation as an Imperial Power. Without
a similar pressure from consumers directed at corporations to act according to ethical business standards, the President becomes a boxer without
gloves in the fight against inequality.
[edit on 16-6-2009 by LoKito]
[edit on 16-6-2009 by LoKito]