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the 9/11 prediction and Xinoehpoel

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 07:55 AM
You may or may not have heard about this before... So on another 9/11, I find it fitting to repost about it.

These infamous time-stamped postings below are perhaps the most important posts ever made to the internet in the history of mankind imo, which will only become more historic and known as time passes...
especially if the cities this person has warned of are struck by nuke terrorism in the order he warned of back in 1995 (a warning these posts below are claimed to validate).

As the WAR with IRAN looms, this "predictor" of 9/11, his warning about ISRAEL's being the first struck by nuke terrorism, and the possibility that BUSH may be the next president, all become extremely relevant and plausible now more than ever.

Of course many have mocked this persons prediction, while others see the significance and how amazing it was. Whether you agree or disagree or believe or not, the fact is the debate and interest these posts have generated has stirred up the most heated debates i've ever seen on the net. Thousands of posts are archived and thousands flocked to newsgroups or put up sites discussing these posts about one of the most controversial subjects and persons on the net.

The following "coincidences" show FACT is indeed sometimes stranger than fiction...

---------------------------------------------------------- -
Poster eLnIn,
Sep 10 1998, 11:00 pm

Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
From: eLnIn,
Date: 1998/09/11


From: Xinoehpoel ([email protected])
Subject: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-08-31 11:03:37 PST

Something is going to happen tomorrow. This is a witness against
everyone on this newsgroup. I hate this newsgroup, and everyone on it
sucks. REPENT! You are all evil liars! Do not be so evil, and be holy.
You are going to get me killed because of the truth of my mouth. I am
not telling you what is going
to happen until it does, because an EVIL and adulterous generation
seeks for a sign.

From: Xinoehpoel ([email protected])
Subject: Re: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-09-04 09:41:41 PST

Since when do I post prophecies, other than end of the world
cataclysmic ones?

From: Xinoehpoel ([email protected])
Subject: Re: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-09-04 12:40:28 PST

Wait 7 days, and then maybe I'll answer this post. You see, I am going
away in seven days, and you will not hear from me again.

and finally, the person both Leo Phoenix and Elnin were connected to also wrote a prophecy in 1997 warning that TERRORISM would connect to New York City in September, a BIG BANG IN THE BIG BUILDING and also referenced 2 dates 9/02 and 9/16 for this event to occur within.


yeah, sure they were...

Nutcases? Perhaps.

However taken all together in full context, and when one analyzes all the facts about these posts and posters, theres proof beyond a doubt that these individuals who were all connected, were the only ones on the planet to have predicted a unique EVENT would occur on 9/11/2001; a date which historians will record was perhaps one of, if not thee most important date and event in human history.

Whats even more interesting is the statement Xinoehpoel made that day as to the US GOVERNMENT being responsible. Something most hadn't figured out or agreed on until years later. In fact, It might be interesting to know when the first FORUMS or sites like ATS loose change etc were created and began exposing the truth

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:19 AM
The fact that this thread got no responses says alot.

There is enough evidence in this guys post before 911 to say that he had prior knowledge and or may have had connections to the terrorists or is one of them.

The webpage and server should by the new antiterror law, obtain all ip records , hunt down this poster and charge this guy. A RICO lawsuit should follow.

The fact that he had prior knowledge of possibly multiple deaths to come and he didnt say nothing to stop it but used the info to stroke his ego instead. People like him should and will be punished by torture and death.

[edit on 15-11-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:21 AM
I thought this was cool...until i found out about his HUGE list of other predictions that didnt happen....i think it was a simple coincidence.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana
The fact that this thread got no responses says alot.

There is enough evidence in this guys post before 911 to say that he had prior knowledge and or may have had connections to the terrorists or is one of them.

The webpage and server should by the new antiterror law, obtain all ip records , hunt down this poster and charge this guy. A RICO lawsuit should follow.

The fact that he had prior knowledge of possibly multiple deaths to come and he didnt say nothing to stop it but used the info to stroke his ego instead. People like him should and will be punished by torture and death.

[edit on 15-11-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by IvanZana]

The fact that there have been no responses in this thread is meaningless and irreleveant since there have been literally thousands of posts, discussions and sites discussing this topic all over the net since 9/11. But the irony is that you've responded to give your opinion about it as did another and there have been other similar posts to ats on this topic that generated plenty of responses. So what was your point again or how no responses proves or disproves anything? Even more interesting though is the fact you agree that the evidence (if correct as I explained it) these person/s had to have prior knowledge and either connected to or the "terrorists" themselves. So thank you very much for admitting that. I wonder if you realize the implications and significance of the admission you've just made. I also wonder if you realize what it means if its agreed/found or proven these individuals had no connection to the "terrorist" perpetrators of 9/11. I doubt you actually do, since its obvious based upon your comments that you've done little if any research or investigation, have no knowledge or understanding of the facts and evidence surrounding this subject and are pretty much a hypocrite since your remarks mirror the same objections you and other 9/11 CTs here have of those trying to debunk your/ct's beliefs etc. Imo but with all due respect, Your remarks only represent the type of incredible ignorance and hypocrisy that exists on this planet that claims on one had to be righteous, intelligent or objective because you can see 9/11 is an inside job, but then at the same time you can make wild assertions based on an OPINION on little or no investigation and research. So while I'd have no problem debating you on this subject, it'd be a total waste of time since you've already shown you have no interest in the truth and certainly lack the objectivity to ever understand it or what it really means to seek truth.

Your final comment/paragraph speaks volumes about your true nature and intelligence level. But again, the most interesting part is how you state you think its a FACT "he" had PRIOR knowledge.

If only you knew.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
I thought this was cool...until i found out about his HUGE list of other predictions that didnt happen....i think it was a simple coincidence.

And OPINIONS such as yours, represents what MOST CLAIM on this subject. Nearly EVERYONE initially agrees its "cool", amazing and PROOF of PRIOR KNOWLEDGE,,, but then change or become biased once they do so-called "research" stating OPINIONS about how "other predictions" didn't happen. Even more comical is the fact that most are too dumb to understand that even IF that ignorant and out of context remark were true, it DOESN'T invalidate or disprove the FACT those individuals demonstrated they had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of perhaps one of the biggest date/event in history. You're obvious too ignorant and to comprehend the profound implications and significance of that being TRUE. So go on your merry way believing what you want.... ignorance is obviously BLISS most. You prove my point once again that MOST on this planet are in a state of incredible ignorance and its this ignorance thats contributed to a near future where nuclear terrorism becomes a reality. When it begins soon, just remember this warning was validated by their "prior knowledge" of 9/11. Don't say you weren't warned.

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