posted on Jan, 20 2003 @ 06:23 PM
It takes all I can do to keep from ending a sentence with a preposition!
Pardon us colony-folk, we tend to think of you Lions as being the keeper of the language. Just another stereotype, I suppose.
Saphie, I don't want to belittle the perceptions of the IRA fighters, although I see them as terrorists, but if you can't see the difference between
the IRA and WWII Pacific theater...if you can't see the number of lives saved as it happened as opposed to how it could have, there's no point in
trying to explain it any further. I choose to believe you understand but continue your line of reasoning, severely flawed as it is, in hopes of
convincing the civilized people that by ignoring the uncivilized, somehow lives will be saved. This line of reasoning is also severely flawed. What
will it take to make you understand such evil as to be smashed? The death of your own friends and family members? I pray that doesn't happen.
As it stands, very dear friends of mine are headed into harm's way right now. They aren't the 18 year old guts/glory types but are the ones who
know the idea is to get the job done and come back in one piece. They don't go because they are looking for some sort of vain glory that is never
found in death and pain, but willingly go because they know the alternative to meeting the enemy there is meeting the enemy here, in our own land.
Where you live. Where your loved ones live. Where my loved ones live.