Originally posted by affected
What I need is for someone to kindly tell me how to counter this mind control. I shall be extremely grateful.
I'll try by describing my current theory, I have experienced something similar with different people. Think about how your physical body creates this
entity called a self which it sustains until death. It's perfectly acceptable to think of this entity as a cloud of pure energy where all information
(stimuli) gathers. Now this entity has something like an energy body and one part or organ of this energy body is what creates attention which is used
to investigate reality or simply to interact. Attention is 'steered' by the self and the physical body. For example, when the physical body needs food
this creates a sense of hunger which grabs the attention, the self has to notice. But the self also steers attention, when paying attention to what
someone is saying, this is done by the willpower of the self.
When 2 entities converse with eachother, one has it's attention projected upon the other and vice versa. Part of oneself copies the other's movements,
this is like part of the energy body mimics the others' in order to translate what the other wants to communicate to the self. Now in society people
do this all the time, so much so that over centuries no one notices anymore. Only people who go on retreats alone for months have a chance of
experiencing this. But for this to work you don't need that, even though in your case it might be helpful for a quick ditch.
Now usually people will end a conversation or meeting taking their attention with them, focusing it on different objects. But some people do not
(especially believers of "All is One" or reiki practicioners, basically almost everyone 'working with energy'), they would try and hold this attention
energy (of the other) with them and usually succeed since there are only very few people remotely aware. In the land of the blind kind of story. The
person who loses some of their 'attention' energy doesn't really lose it but his or her attention becomes fragmented, with a piece remaining at the
forementioned attention stealer and a 'line' between it as if it were stretched like plastics. Not that it is an intentional theft, just wrong views
on the mind and energy is mostly what is happening. Some people start to hold on to other's attention energy in order to compensate when they lose
some of theirs. In other cases which I will not go into now, some people 'donate' their attention to people who already have a lot, usually because of
some idea which gives them peace of mind in return. Those are people generally seen as 'charismatic', many people like them. In another way, there's a
few braincells working for a different person, doesn't matter what distance, without the knowledge of the self, there are some individuals who have
like only 25% of their energy body, the remaining 75% is supporting other people's energy body who might have 300% in comparison, like really dense
energy bodies. A kind of living possesion if you will, without actually possessing some braincells but rather those braincells are projected towards
the others' energybody, intensifying it.
Now when attention is focused on say the body it is retracted, it goes back to it's source (the mind) but when fragments of it remain tied to other
people's physical body, or rather their own attention energy (which they mistake to be theirs) it can be difficult to retract as if the attention is
attracted by the willpower of the 'thief' which might sense the loss of attention (which isn't theirs but they usually don't understand or see it this
way) or clarity and might fight for it and actually strenghten their own hold on the energy of the other. Pay no attention to this as doing so will be
like 2 people pulling on the same rope, while in fact there are 2 ropes which can only be 'touched' by it's owner (unless as I mentioned they are
under the impression there is only 1 rope). The muscles used to pull the rope is willpower and it's likely the other wins, if you believe you are a
victim. Each time the retracting process fails, the selfesteem or willpower is lessened and this might make it more difficult if not impossible to try
again. So never make yourself believe you are fighting the other while attempting this. "The other side" can only engage in a fight if both have the
same view, as long as one of the two is convinced there is no battle or will choose to remain nonviolent, the other will only be fighting themselves.
It should be enough to know people 'on the other side' who used these attention parts for years suddenly lose it but will ascribe it to differrent
causes, things might suddenly go wrong or less perfect in life, they might imagine they become sick, if that stills any feelings of revenge. The
suspects should always be avoided at all costs, as it might reset and reactivate old brain patterns/thoughts and then it would become more difficult
to claim back the attention parts.
So in short, there's an energy body which is tied to the physical, a part of this body is attention and this has become fragmented in such a way part
of it remains or is tied to another physical body and used by the energy body mistaking it for it's own. To get this lost attention back one has to
focus on their own physical body (especially the brain) for many days as long as it takes to feel like a child again, that is the only memory one has
of when one's attention was 'complete' (in intensity). It has to be repeated over and over again and might take weeks, months, years, depending on the
other side, eventually all braincells will be focused upon the brain itself again. Don't be surprised if there are more people 'holding' parts of your
attention without the self being aware of it. It is rarely an instant process, it might take a long time while each day small bits of attention are
lost, it is almost not noticable until one compares their current state of mind with that of several years ago, but then people ascribe the loss of
'experiencing life' to different causes in an effort trying to regain it.
Not sure if this post makes sense, but ultimately only you can fix this in your mind. Whatever you do, don't despair, once you start getting parts of
your attention back new pathways will develop in the brain and strengthened each time you remember the retracting process, it cannot be taken again
once you are aware and understand how this works.
edit on 25/4/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)