posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 12:28 AM
Patience is a virtue...
In order to successfully complete a mission such as this, slow going is the key to everything. If you rush the place, either with personnel or
technology, you will fail.
I personally like the HATV (Holographic All Terrain Vehicle). You could develop a small ATV with holographic capabilities, which would be
programmable to maintain a sufficient level of concealment.
The HATV could be programed to simulate multiple environment scenarios, thus emulating the surroundings, without the cosmetic modification of the
vehicle itself.
The HATV could be remotely controlled by satellite, and may operate at distances exceeding conventional remote controlled devices. Satellite could be
provided by any local radio station, and with the right amount of money, may be moved over Nevada for this specific purpose. All information passing
through the surveillance equipment mounted on the HATV would be relayed via transmitter to the satellite, which in turn would be broadcast across the
world. This way, even "if" the unit was detected, which is highly unlikely considering the sophistication of this particular unit, it's recordings
would not be local, therefore eliminating any threat of loss of intelligence from the capture of the HATV.
What do you guys think? Am I a genius or what?
Mr. M